part 23

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I was walking to English thinking about what would happen if dad was gone when I felt someone walk into me. I look up and see Corey "iii- I'm sorry" I say. Corey looks at me and says "it's fine. You ok?" I stutter and say "y- yh" I walk off to English and leave him standing there confused.

I get to English and walk in and sit next to jordan and Jordan says "you ok" I say "yh".

Me and Jordan done good in English and the lesson fineshed and I was feeling myself and happy again as me and Jordan was messing about in English.

Me and Jordan go into the canteen and I see Corey and I feel like I should say sorry to him for being rude earlier so I say to Jordan while tapping him "ima go to Corey I'll be back" he says "k" while I walked off.
I go to Corey and say "hey I'm sorry for earlier just stuff about my dad ya know" he says "is he ok" I say "yh" he hugs me and I hug him back.

It had been 3 months and my dad passed away 3 months ago and I passed my exams and so did Jordan.
I was happy about it and knew my dad would be proud of me. Ellie and me and Jacob all live together with Jacobs girlfriend as my mum left after my dad passed away and she wasnt herself and didn't wanna put us in danger so she left but we see her once a fortnight.
Today is the day I see if I got into college in London.

I was in the kitchen on my laptop waiting for the email with my brother and Cory and Jordan and Ellie.
A email popped up I click on it while everyone is hovering over me and my face went from scared to excited and happy when I saw it said I got in. Everyone was happy for me and I hugged all of them and we all was so happy because I always wanted this.

We all was sat in the lounge having a drink for celebration and I could see Jordan was a little upset so I get up and say "jor come with me a sec" he says "why" confused. I say "come on".
He gets up of the sofa and I take him into my bedroom and I say "sit down" he sits on the edge of my bed and I shut the door and I sit next to him and say "Jordan you look upset what's up" he looks away and says "nothing I'm happy for you" I touch his face and turn it to face me and say "come on say" he says "look Maddie I'm scared when you go to college and I go to art-" I cut him off and say excitingly "you got into art" he says "yh" I say "that's good" he says "but I'm scared we will drift and break up and one of us will find someone else and I can't have that because I love you so much and you mean so much to me and if I lose you-" I cut him off and kiss him and say "Jordan I promise you I Will always love you no matter what happens"

It was the day I go to college and Jordan goes to art thing. We all was outside my house and when I say all of us I mean missy and Kevin and all.
I say bye to everyone and give them a hug and it comes to Jordan and I say while I hug him "I love you and always will I will come and see you in 2 weeks" he hugs me tight and starts to sob he says "Maddie I can't let you leave me" I say "shhhh I don't wanna leave either but I love you alot" I start to cry and we stop hugging and we kiss and he says "I love you Maddie" I say "I love you too Jordan" we hug and kiss 1 last time and I get into the taxi and while the taxi was driving away I was waving out the window till we turned a corner and they was gone. I started crying because I will miss Ackley.

This is the end of the story I hope you enjoyed I am making another story tonight so stay tuned for that.
Thank you for the support.

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