I Don't Know What This Is About...

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April 11th 20142

1) I was rushing to get my seat at St. Lawrence. Olivier was in the front row, somebody behind him, then me. I took off my book bag and sat down. Next thing I know the teacher is talking about the correct answer for French and I'm trying to write it down. Then I'm in bed, still in the middle of class, with a kid named Bailey from Bayside(another school), and we're naked. He starts butt fucking me while I'm still trying to write down the answer so I get out of the bed and wrap a blanket around me. Now we're at the computer lab. The bell rang so I had to save my work and leave. I went back shortly after, remembering I'd left my stuff there. Olivier comes up to me and we're outside walking to McDonald's. He's actually holding my hand. 

2) Me and Becky went to the Eastcourt Mall, trying to find a way to get home. We find a bus but we're not allowed on it. We call a taxi but we don't have money for it. Becky gets in anyway, so I'm left to find a ride. I thought about walking home but I'd be by myself and its a 20 minute walk. I'm now at Walmart. i find a broom and act like im sweeping, even though its closed and i shouldn't be in there. The employees eye me suspiciously. I walk up to an employee  who is organizing clothes. "Excuse me?"  tapped on his shoulder and looked to the other employees. "Can you drive me home? I can't walk home alone," "I'm sorry but I can't. I'm not allowed to leave the store." Sighing, I head towards the door. I got about 10 ft outside when a chubby guy with a blue shirt said, "Miss! I got you a ride," Dad, Sandy, and Nick are all looking up at the Galaxy Cinema(movie theatres, which is now beside the mall, same with Walmart). We start walking a different and longer way home. "Wait, Dad, where are yu going?It's this way," I pointed to the dirt path that goes up a small hill beside McDonald's. "What? That path is so confusing, I don't even know where to go. If you go this way, it takes you right home." He traced an L in the air. "Trust me Dad, I've been walking this way for quite some time now." "Well if you wouldn't have (something bad I did right here then we wouldn't have been walking home." I woke up. 

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