My Friends a Ghost

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Tuesday, December 31st 2013

1) we were in the living room discussing our vacation. Except me, I was sleeping. I woke up in my dream to hearing Trev's voice, saying he took pics of me sleeping. I ran out of bed and practically ran down the stairs. "You did what?" I screamed in his face. Before he could say another word I tackled him for his phone. Mom tried to stop us but it was no use. I deleted the pictures. Mom kept saying it was a joke and I should calm down. She always did this to me, she always was on the opposite side of me. I stomped back up the stairs. It was dark in my room though so it was hard to pack and know what to bring. I brought candy, all my nice T-shirt and shorts. I could buy more stuff in Georgia(where are vacation was). I put everything in the biggest book bag and was halfway out of my room until I heard a banging sound. I thought it was the rain so I just ignored it. I checked it out in the end anyway. It was the cab. I saw the driver and a beige person. Not the color of his skin, but everything was beige on him. I ran downstairs and yelled that the cab was here. They grabbed their coats and suitcases. I climbed in the van first. I stopped in the rain when I saw the drivers hands cupped like he was choking somebody but nobody was there. He let go and I climbed in hesitantly. When I sat in the middle of the middle row, I felt like my butt wasn't on a seat. I turned my head to find the person in beige. "Oh, sorry," I said to him. "Its fine, I like it this way," then I scooted off feeling bad that I might be heavy. I felt this weird connection with him. But I liked the connection. On the drive there, he explained to me that he was a ghost. Then we started talking about other things. It looked like I was talking to myself to everyone but the driver but I didn't care. He was sitting in the passenger seat, but I wanted him to sit beside me. Aaron saw him, too. He also liked him. Next thing I know we're at a store. The only store that has no walls. There was a corner for Ardene's, Urban Planet and on the other side was aisles of house things. The guy from the cab came with us. He looked completely different now. He looked like a normal person but was hot. We were talking, walking down the house things when I lost him. I tried texting him but I couldn't find my phone either. I asked Aaron , he didn't know. I asked everywhere, I couldn't see him. I repeatedly went into Ardene's, looking at their dresses, as well as Urban Planet. In Ardene's, they had a gymnastics thing for a certain age. There was the ropes, beams, and a platform to jump off of. It was all close to the ceiling. I looked further into the gymnastics part and found my phone on a bright pink cube. Everyone was around it. The room we were in was all bright colors and foamy. I took my phone and looked at my messages. They texted him. They told him to leave me alone and never talk to me again. I felt so pissed off and sad. I started crying. The whole world spun around. I texted the guy, I didn't even know his name, he never told me. He didn't answer back. With more tears in my eyes, I ran out of the store bumping into somebody's arms. It was him. I hugged him tighter and he did the same, never letting me go. I woke up.

2) "SAMMY!" My mom screamed sounding angry. I woke up and yelled, "yeah mom?" No answer as I realized she screamed at me in my dream.

No joke, I actually woke up and went "mom? You okay?" It kinda freaked me out. :p

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