Ch 94 - Bleeding Out

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The tile was a lot colder than he would have liked, but the tacky blood that seemed to be spilling out from his left side contrasted it enough that he didn't care after a minute. Somehow, he had landed on his bathroom floor, quite ungracefully.

He couldn't quite remember the how or the why, but he knew clearly enough that something pretty bad happened to him while on his patrol. His mask was gripped limply in his hand, while the rest of his suit seemed to be stained a much darker red than he thought it was.

Blood, his brain hazily supplies. He pressed his hands against the wound, the cause of it still escaping his mind, and hissed at the pain that brought.

"Jesus..." he mumbled, his head aching from what he could only assume was blood-loss. "That doesn't feel good."

"Peter?" Karen chimed from within his suit. "Are you alright?"

He squeezed his eyes tight. "Um, I've been better. What's happening?"

"You were stabbed pretty severely while on patrol. There were robbers--"

"With knives?"

"Yes, Peter, with knives. Do you remember?"

"No," he groaned. "No, not really." He tried to move again, but was greeted by glaring pains. Despite his hazy state, he definitely knew he couldn't just bleed out on the bathroom floor. And judging by the coppery taste in his mouth, he should make a decision. "Karen?"

"Yes, Peter?" she replied.

"Can you call Mr.Stark?"

"Yes, Peter. I'll send along your vitals." He hummed a response and leaned his head against the wall, trying hard to keep himself steady. He tries to search for the gaps in his memory, but he can't piece together much. He didn't remember most of the day--school, patrol, none of it. All he's really got is what Karen told him and his common sense. The hairs on his neck stood up with a sudden wash of cold, and something told him he probably should remember what he doesn't, even with the bloodloss.

It seemed like forever, but eventually he heard another voice. "Pete?"

"Hi," he whispered.

"It's almost midnight, what's--" Peter heard something chime on the other end, and then, "Oh, shit."

"I'm pretty banged up, Mr.Stark," he said, confused at why he suddenly felt like crying. "Like, really bad."

"Yeah, I see that, kid," Tony replied, worry edging in his voice. "You know what's funny, Pete? I'm actually in Queens tonight."

If Tony was trying to distract him from the pain, it wasn't really working. "Really?"

"Yeah, Pep and I went to check out this nightclub. We're getting older though. Not really our scene anymore, you know?"

"Sure," Peter supplied, blinking away black spots.

"We're about a five minute cab ride from you, think you can hold tight?" Peter can hear the borderline fear in Tony's voice, and somewhere in the back, someone else is speaking in hushed tones. He's guessed it was Pepper.

"I don't plan on going anywhere, if that's what you mean," he replied, chuckling lightly. "I think the blood has glued me to the floor."

"I meant more like...don't pass out before we get there," Tony said, evidently even more worried than before.

Peter furrowed his brows. "We?"

"What, you think I'm just gonna drop my fiance off in the middle of the street?" Tony joked.

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