Ch 60 - DNA

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Tony and Bruce were examining Peter's blood sample to make an aesthetic strong enough to knock him out when he got hurt and had to get operation or surgeries.

Going through the reports suddenly Bruce's eyes bulged out. "H... Hey T.. Tony I think you should see this". He stuttered. "What is it read it out". Tony said. "I.. I think it would be better if you see it yourself". Bruce said. Tony sighed and picked up the file from Bruce's hands and read it.

"What it's normal" He said. "Uhm.. Do you mind taking a closer look at the DNA". Bruce said. Tony read it carefully. "I don't see anything wrong. It's spidermixed". Tony said then Bruce handed him another file. "Ah.. This is your blood report." Bruce said.

Tony gave him a questioning look but took it and read it. His eyes bulged out too and he fainted in the spot. Bruce rushed out and asked the team to help him carry Tony.

He woke up 45 minutes later on the couch." What happened? Bruce said you fainted". Pepper said. "Uh...uh you didn't tell them". Tony asked. "I thought you do this yourself". Bruce said. "No... No you do it I'm going into crisis mode". Tony said and laid back down and covered his face.

"What are you guys talking about?" Steve asked. "Ah well..... Turns out Peter and Tony's DNA match". Bruce said. "So..?" Steve asked. "In simple language Peter is Tony's biological son".Bruce said. "WHATTTTTTT". They yelled.

"Tony who's the mother?" Natasha asked. "I don't know. It is possible you know I had a playboy past but maybe the machine made a mistake while analysis". Tony said. "Well the machine is all good and latest technology". Bruce said. "So he is your son". Steve said.

"Well it won't change anything tho". Pepper said. "What do you mean?" Tony asked. "You act like a father and son now too" She said and Tony looked at everyone for confirmation who just shrugged.

"Are you gonna tell him?" Bruce asked. "Wait a sec that means I'm gonna be called Mom". Pepper cheered. "Then I'm the Uncle clearly." Rhodey said. "That goes for all of us then" Clint said. "Yeah the bigger question is are you gonna tell him?" Natasha asked. "I.. I don't know". Tony said. "Why?" Steve said. "Look Tony he didn't have a father growing up only Ben to look up to and then after his death you took his place. So you are kinda like a father to him still". Steve said.

"But what if he hates me for not being there during starting. He had to go through so much" Tony said. "Look he's a good kid and he'll understand your reason. You didn't know about him to begin with". Clint said. Tony nodded staring blankly. "So....?" Stve asked. "I think I will cause you know he's like my son too and I couldn't ask for a better one either". Tony said.

"Yeah that's the spirit so how you gonna do it?" Pepper asked. "I'll talk to May first and after taking her yelling and convincing her that he'll be alright with me I'll tell Peter". Tony said. They nodded in agreement cause it did sound like a good plan.

The next day

Tony went to May's while Peter was in school to talk so he could talk to Peter during the lab session. May opened the door and was surprised to see Tony. She invited him and seated him at the couch.

"So.. Is this about Peter? Did he get hurt and hid his injuries?" May asked worried. "Ah.. This is about Peter but not about his injuries". Tony said. "That's a relief. Then what's this about?" May asked. "Peter is my son". Tony blurted out. "I'm aware". May said. "You are? How?" Tony asked. "Well you treat him like a father would treat his son". May said.

"No May like he's literally my son. Biologically, DNA and stuff". Tony said. May's face lost colour. "Did you know about him before?" She asked. "No. I didn't I swear. If I did I wouldn't have left him here". Tony said. "Then it's alright". May said. "What really? That's it. I came expecting a lecture". Tony said.

"He thinks of you as a dad too." May said. "He does?" Tony asked happily. "I started it as a joke but you're literally referred as dad in this house". May said. "Really he calls me dad?" Tony asked cheerfully and May nodded. "So how you gonna tell him?" May asked. "I don't know guess I'll tell him straight today when he comes for lab". Tony said and May nodded. "You wanna be there? He might need you after hearing such a thing". Tony said. "Of course". She said.

Peter rushed out of the elevator and stepped into the living room in a heroic pose. They were all literally staring at him. "W... What is there something on my face?" He asked. "Peter". Tony said. "Yes Mr. Stark?" Peter answered. "We need to talk". He said. "Look if this is about the S.H.I.E.L.D bike I destroyed for the 7th time this month I said to Nick I was sorry". Peter said. "No.. Wait what. S.H.I.E.L.D bike what are you talking about?" Tony said.

"Oh then please continue". Peter said. "Yeah so me and Bruce were running some test on your blood in the lab for anesthetic". Tony said. "Hey blood reminds me where is the new DNA machine?" Peter said. "What do you need it for?" Tony asked. "Well you gave it to me when I asked for one". Peter said. "I did? What do you need it for?" Tony asked.

"So this guy at school called me son of a bitch and I modified the DNA machine that it'll match two DNA's no matter the species. I'll prove to him he's the son of a bitch. The change cannot be detected by anyone". Peter said proudly. It crashed on them that what had happened.

"Oh.. Oh a very nice idea indeed". Tony said tears spilling down but he was smiling. "He will surely cry". He said and the room was silent. "W.... Why are you crying? Did I do something wrong?" Peter asked. "Ah nope you didn't do anything". Tony said walking into his lab. "May, Pepper what did I do?" Peter begged.

They looked at each other. "He kinda used your DNA machine for researching his and your blood and you know...." Pepper said. And it dawned to Peter. "Oh no. That's what this is about?". Peter said rushing into the lab. Tony was there wiping his tears. "It was about the DNA machine". Peter sia dmaking his presence known.

Tony stayed silent. "You don't need DNA to be my father. I'll always think of you as one even if I had one". Peter said hugging Mr. Stark and he hugged him back crying. "Thank You". Tony said. "You know you don't need to be my dad biologically to make me call you dad". Peter said pulling back.

"I know I'm aware of my nickname you and May use at your apartment". Tony said smirking. Peter immediately blushed. "Like you didn't call me son when you were sleepy." Peter said smirking. "W... What I did?" Tony asked. Peter nodded. "But seriously I'm sorry I didn't you'd use it. I can call you dad as compensation tho". Peter said smiling.

"How about something more official?" Tony said. "You wanna experiment on me and replace my DNA with your?" Peter asked. "No you dumbo how about adoption" Tony said. Peter formed an o with his mouth then he processed his words. "What? Seriously?" Peter asked. Tony nodded. "I... I'd like that". Peter said. And they hugged again.

They came out of the lab. "So we settled on something else as compensation for his prank". Tony said. "What?" Everyone asked. "Well he's gonna call me dad".Tony said. "And I'm gonna adopt him" Tony said. "Start with that next time". May said smiling. "Alright you're moving in the Tower". Tony said to May. "I feel like you're not gonna take no for an answer". May said. "DAMN right the crew is at your apartment packing the stuff as we speak". Tony said smiling.

"Shut up you all. Peter come with mommy". Pepper said taking his hand away. "Alright alright mom". Peter said. And the rest ran after Pepper. "No fair I want to listen being called Aunt/Uncle too" They yelled.


How was it? My first try at suspense comedy. 😂😂😂

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