Ch 57 - Intern Floor

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OK so I'm flooding with ideas and I guess Random Interactions will have to wait for like 3 days I swear cause I always cross 2k words and it requires some thinking. Bear with it please😁😁.


Tony was going downstairs when suddenly the lift stopped. 'Guess it's not in good condition' Tony thought. "Friday call lift services to get it fixed" He said. He walked towards the other lift when he heard some noises from the floor. They were..... Partying?

He slowly approached the door and looked into the floor to see the meeting room filled up. They were cheering as one boy too young to be an intern stood in front of 10 whiteboards.

"10$ says I can solve each of them parallely frequently at the same time". He said. "Come on Peter it's too tough". A girl said. "Then why aren't you betting?" Peter said. "OK I put in 100$"She said and the cheering began.

The kid started solving and they certainly weren't easy equations. And he DID solve them all."Haha pay up" Peter said. Tony watched with amazement. "I hate you" She said pouting. "You love me" He said.

"OK so all the problems for projects solved?" Peter asked. They all nodded. "Then it's party time". Peter said. A bot came out from the supposed Peter's work place that started blasting streamers and blasting music.

Tony let it paas cause it was ACDC but Happy certainly won't. "Peter Happy will get angry. Last time we couldn't clean the roof and vents". One boy said. "Don't worry I modified cleaning bot with wall grip so problem solved". Peter said.

This was certainly getting interesting for Tony. A boy partying in the same floor under Happy's control and the tough Miss Potts. The were enjoying talk when a boy threw a saw blade at Peter. Tony was about to interrupt but stopped when Peter stopped it without looking.

"Looser". Peter said. And the boy whined. "You always get away". He said. "Yeah even Happy let's you off easy". The other one added. "Hey do your work on time and no plotting demise of the company. And the most important keep your badge out that's all he asks for which I obey. Happy is named Happy for a reason". Peter said.

Tony was caught off guard. Happy was called Happy because he was always unhappy. "Friday why is none informed of their situation." Tony asked. "Boss it's directly under Happy control". She replied.

Tony put on a mask and walked in. "Man Stark Industry rocks except the no phone policy except calls." Peter said talking to a boy. "Yeah man". He said. "It would be good to show my bullies so me pics that all their IQ's combined couldn't solve who taunt me of faking the internship. Bitch I aced the test with 100% made by THE Tony Stark holder of 3 doctorates and Dr Banner holder of 7 doctorates". He said.

A lot of people didn't know Tony had 3. This kid was a huge fan which made Tony smile. "He has that many? I didn't know." He said. "He's my idol of course I'd know everything about him". Peter said. "What's so great about Tony Stark anyway?" A voice yelled.

"I'm glad you asked bitch". Peter said. He pulled out a remote and clicked a button and a 200 slides PowerPoint presentation started.
#1 - Minds his own business. A great quality not found a lot.
#2 - Polar opposite of Captain America. I hate the guy. Making PSA's for kids. I have puberty as a problem and his Sex Ed talk makes me want to kill him.

OK Tony liked the kid. Like seriously liked.

#3 - Genius.
#4 - A good person. Quit making weapons and made technology for mankind.
#5 - Wins against all odds.
#6 - Misunderstood. People just raise questions about his past without knowing shit. Fuck you to all of them.
#7 - Coolness Overloaded.
#8 - Chill Af
#9 - Savage
#10 - Perfect idol for children cause why not who'd be better than a person who's hardworking and gave up all his bad habits for his love.

The list went on Tony gained some new info on himself. The lift opened and Happy walked in. "Peter! Not again". Happy yelled. Tony was about to step in to save him. "OK ok everyone time to go home. Peter said. They started packing their stuff.

"Cleaner please be a good boy and clean it all". Peter said to the bot who immediately started vaccuming. Tony walked out and saw Pepper walking towards him. "Tony we were supposed to be going shopping". She said.

Tony stared at her then hugged her. "I'm a good person Pepper." Tony said. "I'm aware but what made you realize?" Pepper asked. "There was this super smart kid in this floor who was partying hard and was a die hard fan of me. He said he aced my test and solve 10 equations at the same time. He showed a 200 slides PowerPoint when asked what was so great about Tony Stark and I had to stop myself from crying". Tony said.

Pepper smiled at him. "You are a great person". She said. "Can I have an intern?" Tony asked. Pepper rose her eyebrows. "I mean... Sure?" She said. Happy walked out followed by Peter and his bot. "OK take care and for my mental healths sake stop acting like a rebel leading a mob in the intern room". Happy said rubbing his forehead.

"I do it for your sake or you'll become more of a machine than Friday even she can show emotions. Right Friday?" Peter asked. "Yes my super chilled bro." Friday replied. Tony and Pepper looked at each other.

"You hacked her again!!" Happy yelled. "I hate it when she calls me Mr. Parker". Peter said. "If Boss hears of it he might not happy". Happy said. "I mean he can't say anything cause I'm not doing anything with his projects or selling out secrets. I do it for fun and he hacked the government in front of officials. So fucking savage". Peter exclaimed and Tony shrugged but Pepper smiled. She knew what Tony was talking about.

"OK alright I'll allow it. Now run off squirt". Happy said ruffling his hair making both Tony and Pepper's eyes pop out. Happy was  SMILING? Peter ran off and Tony walked to Happy. "I didn't know you could smile". Tony said.

"I didn't either till he came". Happy said shrugging. "Friday who is he?" Pepper asked. "That's Peter Parker dash My super chill bro". Friday replied. Pepper typed something on her tablet and his info came on. He did ace the test with perfect score. "And you allow him to party because...." Pepper asked.

"It doesn't harm anyone plus it gets depressing with all the stress of school, university and projects here. All cleaned up and no damage. Let them have some fun". Happy said. "See even Happy acknowledges him. I want him my intern". Tony pleaded.
"OK ok fine". Pepper said. "Friday I from Peter to come meet me tomorrow when he comes". Pepper said.

"Should I text him?" Friday asked. "You have his cell number?" Tony asked. "Indeed Boss I'm learning sarcasm from memes sent by Peter on daily basis". Friday said. "OK I'll allow it cause that's very sweet and that's why Friday gives savage replies to Steve". Tony said.

"Yes Friday text him". Pepper said.


And a super awesome journey began.

Part 2 wanted? Or should I drop it?


Guys can you comment a name of a bridge in Queens which is over a river. Required for the next one shot idea.

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