Ch 76 - Hacking Karen

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Tony always hacked Karen to see what Peter was doing from time to time. It was like a habit so when he hadn't done it in a month due to staying busy and Clint suggested out of boredom that they should hack his suit he agreed.

"Connect to Karen". Tony said to Friday. The view through Peter's costume came live. "So Karen any update from Fury about my bike?" Peter asked. "I hate him. He could have asked me but no he had to go to Fury". Tony said. Pepper pated his back.

"He says you are a disaster kid and you do good. It will be delivered by next week". Karen said. "Aww text him middle finger emoji". Peter said. "That right there is my kid". Tony said chuckling. "Ooohhhh is this confession I hear". Clint said.

"OK while we are at it Karen ask Ben if he wants to go bowling with me and Hulk this Saturday". Peter said. They turned to Bruce. "I don't know. Hulk likes the kid. They go bowling. I spend time then Hulk comes out". Bruce said. "And you're telling this now?" Pepper said. "It never came up". He said.

"Karen who is Ben?" Tony asked. "He's referring to the member of Fantastic 4 'The Thing'." Karen said. "Ooh wait he knows them?" Tony asked. "Apparently yes. He hangs out them whenever he gets the time". Karen said. "And he doesn't come to Tower". Natasha asked.

"Apparently being here 3 days of a week is enough and the weird glances from people on the lower floors make him feel uncomfortable". Karen said. "Friday please order the lift company to install a private lift from ground floor". Tony said. "How touching". Sam said wiping a fake tear.

"Peter incoming call from Ned". Karen said. They turned to the television. Peter slipped from quite a high area and felt face first. "That gotta hurt". Bucky said. "Accept the call". Peter said rubbing his nose. "Hey man". Ned said.

"Hey Ned what's up?" Peter said. "Nothing much. So May coming for the adult supervision on the camping trip?" Ned asked. "Nah man she's busy that weekend with resting. She worked too much this week." Peter said. "Then who will you bring? You could ask Mr. Stark". Ned said.

Tony nodded. "Are you in your right mind? Why would I ask him?" Peter said. "Why? I thought you were close enough for this kind of favour". Ned said. "Yes we are". Tony said. "Dude bringing him will get attention and he'll like build some sort of house for the stay". Peter reasoned.

"I have no comments. He knows me too well". Tony said. "Then what about someone else? Like Pepper". Ned said. "I don't know Mr. Stark's a child if I ask Pepper he will surely crash the trip making some excuse". Peter said.

Tony blushed as everyone snickered. Pepper chuckled. "I find it cute". She said kissing his cheek. "Steve?" Ned suggested. "The girls will keep drooling and boys will roast him for the Sex Ed PSA's".Peter said. "That is convincing and spot on". Stev said. "Bucky?" Ned said. "He's too innocent. He'll follow some deer to miles and we'll have to search for him". Peter said.

Bucky refused to meet anyone's gaze as they were busy laughing their ass off. "Dr. Banner?" Ned asked. "I mean when he won't be able to catch those mosquitoes he could turn into Hulk". Peter said. Bruce nodded with everyone else.

"Miss Black Widow?" Ned asked. "I mean she is perfect but she might not take me getting bullied very well and you know forest is the best place to hide a body". Peter said. Natasha nodded. "I'll hide it on the city too. Just get me the name of the punk". Natasha said darkly.

"Hawkeye?" Ned suggested. "He'll set the forest on fire in some prank of his". Peter said. "I mean that could happen." Clint said. "That's all of then then who will you bring?" Ned asked. Sam made an offended face and everyone chuckled. "I mean Happy's the best choice. Right attitude, stay away from me and Peter vibe. He'll fit right in". Peter said.

"I don't believe it. Happy stole my spot". Tony exclaimed. "It was never yours". Clint said. "Shut up Legolas". Tony said. "Ned should I fly by your place?" Peter asked. "You mean swing?" Ned asked. "Nope, fly". Peter said. "Tony what is he talking about?" Pepper asked. Tony rose up his hands. "Oh my God Peter don't tell me you hacked the nano suit and inserted the blueprint of Ironman's thrusters shoes". Ned exclaimed.

"I mean I did hack it but I designed mine. You forget that I have brain Ned. Won't be able to be in Tony's lab if couldn't make this petty thing". Peter said. "I mean he's not wrong, he is smart". Tony said. "Tony he hacked your suit again and now has thrusters". Pepper exclaimed.

"Karen be a good AI and activate the nano suit with project 'Fly Woosh'" Peter said.
The screen went blank and came back in a new format. "OK ok deep breaths here we gooooooo". Peter said activating the thrusters. "It's a success". Peter exclaimed speeding up. "What do you say about repulsors?" He asked. "I think you'll be having a long talk with your mentor. We got scolded enough for that one million dollar suit we hacked and now you are making changes in his projects". Ned exclaimed.

"Relax I get scolded all the time plus this is one suit he busted all of his as a gift on Christmas for Pepper". Peter said. "He knows me too well. You are gonna need to handle it". Tony said. "Bye man I gotta do homework". Ned said ending the call. "So Karen what do you think about repulsors?" Peter asked.

"I think they'll rock the suit Peter". Karen said. "Right? Create project file 'Pew Pew'." Peter said. "Hey wanna check out how high we can go?" Peter asked. "It sounds dangerous". Karen said. "Relax what can go wrong? We have the parachute". Peter said.
The HUD flipped and the team came on the screen. "Much could go wrong like Tony could know". Tony said.

Peter immediately crashed in the building. "Oh my God Peter are you OK?" Pepper said. "It's a nose bleed thanks to you guys". Peter said shaking his head. "What the heck are you doing?" Tony exclaimed. "How can I call myself your Intern of I don't follow in your footsteps by breaking the rules". Peter said.

"OK anything else would make me feel really good that you followed me in". Tony said. "Well super smart, sleep deprived, act like a fool around the girl you like, non toxic masculinity and  love for robots are checked in my list". Peter said. "OK now I feel bad about myself". Tony said.

"Don't worry you're still the best". Peter said. "See I told you he thought I am the best. I never lost the title". Tony declared to them. "OK I promise I won't make any house if allow me to accompany you on the trip". Tony said. "No no me I won't do anything". They started the cat fight.

"I asked Happy and he agreed." Peter said. They whined like children. "I'm coming Friday open the window". Peter said. Friday opened and Peter landed somewhat disgracefully. "This is why I need thrusters". Peter said getting up. "Not bad".Tony said said looking at the thrusters.

"Well I learnt from the best." Peter said.
"In your face". Tony said laughing at everyone else. "Let's go to lab where you can tell me how I rock".Tony said said taking him to the lab. "No fair he's staying here". Natasha said. "OK let's watch a movie alright. Stop fighting". Pepper said.

"Yes someone mature does live here". Peter said deactivating the suit. They settled down and he sat between Pepper and Tony. "So who's the girl you act like a fool around hmm?" Pepper asked smirking. Peter blushed a tomato.

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