Ch 21 - Phone Privacy 1

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Fully based on Comic knowledge and Instagram comic pages facts and some I added myself for fun. Don't blame me if anything is wrong. 😅😊


Peter was watching movies with everybody on a Saturday afternoon. His phone buzzed and he picked it up from the mini table. He swiped the screen for notifications and unlocked it and took a look at the message he received.

He immediately got up and picked his jacket due to the cold weather. "Hey where are you going? It's reaching the climax" Clint said pointing at the T.V. playing the movie. "Ned got in trouble near an alley. Gotta kick some ass for messing with my best friend" Peter said and ran out but he heard a faint 'Language' from Steve.

Natasha glanced at the seat under the couch where Peter sat next to Tony and Pepper squashed. She saw Peter's phone lying there screen open. 'He must have forgotten it when he ran out hurriedly'. She picked up the phone and started swiping.

She chuckled at the opened chat's dp of Ned which caught attention of all. "Isn't that Peter's phone" Clint asked. "It is" Natasha said not looking up from the screen. "He'll be very angry when he will come to know you invaded his privacy" Bruce said sitting straight beside Nat than leaning on her.

"It's cause I want to know that he doesn't do wrong or illegal" Natasha said. "I don't want my nephew in wrong company". "Yeah that makes sense" They agreed and surrounded her to see too, their curiosity taking over. "Open the contact list I wanna see who he talks to" Tony said. "Dad alert". "Damn right". Tony said.

She opened the contact list. And started swiping. "Not even alphabetically saved. So teenager" Scott said at the random contacts.

Aunt May
Flaming hot idiot
Rocking Thing
Guy in the chair
Uncle Fury
Uncle Ben
Claws Uncle
Russian Aunty
Thief ex
Blind justice
Dad vibes
Momma knows all
NEVER missed
Huge ˢᵐᵃˡˡ person
Mind reader sis
Running bitch bro
Internet browser
Iron patriot
Bucket head
Principal coulson
Caretaker Maria mam
Power house
Calm but strong
Green buddy
Metal arm buddy
Little sis
Wakanda forever
Meme pal
Miss bodyguard
Mrs. Queen
Airforce Aunt (Space)
Robo girl
Trash pAnda
Peter Quill
Mr delmar
Golden locks god
Death faker comedian god
Barack Obama
Airforce Aunt (Earth)
Little sis 2.0
Weather Girl
Laser Eyes
Scott's intelligence
Mr Hank
Cocaine dealer
Lady Green
Infinite Hair
Sam (Falcon)
Mrs NEVER missed

The list finally ended. "Wtf is up with the names. He's Tony's son alright" Scott said. "You're worried about the names if they're real then he knows Fury's number, Barack Obama and who are the names of us plus who's the little sis" Natasha said.

"Didn't you read the Mercenary and Cocaine dealer. Oh my God he has surpassed Tony" Pepper said.

"Call each one" Steve said. "We should know who they are."

"OK here it goes" Natasha said and dialled the first unknown to them number. Stretchy

"Hey Peter. What's up?" came a voice. "Uh who is this?" Natasha asked. "Who are you and why do you have Peter's phone. You have minutes to explain before I come and kick your ass" he sounded angry. "Ah I'm Natasha Romanoff checking his contact list who are you?" Natasha asked. "Oh you're his Russian Aunt ah I'm Reed Richard's" he said. "Wait like Mr. Fantastic, the known scientist and leader of Fantastic 4"Natasha said." Yeah haha that". "How did he get your number?" Natasha asked. "Funny story he helped take down a villain then came to ask me question from my book so I gave him my number for future doubts" Reed said. "Ok thank you". Natasha said and ended the call.

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