Ch 63 - Rhodey Meets Peter

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Tony isn’t really the kind of guy who likes to deal with his own mistakes. In his experience, it’s easier (and a hell of a lot less painful) to throw around some cash, flash a few smiles, and let someone else make everything okay.

But despite that, he’s never fucked up in a way that resulted in a pregnancy. Even in his early adulthood, which consisted of LSD hallucinations and blackout binge drinking, he’s never slipped up. Not once. Women have contacted his lawyers before, claiming they have his children, but the DNA tests always come back negative. Always.

“Why are you telling me this?” Rhodey asks. They’re leaning against the most subtle car Tony has, the one that screams, ‘I’m rich,’ instead of ‘I’m really, really rich.’

“No reason,” Tony says casually. He hands over an extra pair of sunglasses and checks his watch.

Rhodey gives Tony an unhappy look. “We’re standing in front of a high school, Tony. Just break the news to me already.”

Tony ignores Rhodey’s pointed comment. “Be cool, alright?” he asks. “Here he comes.”

Heads turn all from all around the campus, where students are trickling out into the warm sunlight. Tony has the kind of voice that carries, even over all the hustle and bustle of high school life.

“Tony,” Rhodey hisses, trying to slink back into the car.

“Relax,” Tony tells him. “We’re wearing sunglasses. No one knows who we are.”

A loud, carrying whisper comes from inside the mob of staring students. “Holy shit, is that Tony Stark?” and suddenly everyone’s looking, trying to get a peek at the car and the two men leaning against it.

Rhodey wants to die.

A brown haired, somewhat attractive kid makes eye contact with Rhodey and goes rigid. His eyes move from Rhodey to the car to Tony. His jaw goes slack, and he ducks his head and shoves his way through the mob of frozen students towards them.

“Parker,” Tony says coolly. “Excellent timing. We were just talking about you.”

Rhodey clenches his teeth, because like hell Tony is getting off that easily.

“Mr. Stark,” says the kid (Parker?) fiddling with the straps of his backpack. “Wow. This is, like, a huge surprise. What are you doing here? It’s Wednesday.”

“Nice to see you too, kid,” says Tony, adjusting his sunglasses. “We were in the neighborhood, and I wanted to make sure you met Rhodey here.”

No, Rhodey wants to say. They were not in the neighborhood, they spent fourty-five minutes driving into the middle of Queens to pick up a random high school student Rhodey has never heard of before.

Instead, he says, “It’s nice to meet you.”

The kid turns to face him, and his jaw drops. “You’re the Iron Patriot,” he says.

“War machine,” corrects Tony.

“Let’s talk about this in the car, Tony,” Rhodey says through gritted teeth. “Tony, children are staring at us. They’re staring at us, Tony.”

“Right, let’s go,” Tony says, gesturing the kid and Rhodey into the car with a dramatic flourish.

“Hey, Happy,” says Peter brightly as he gets in the car. “I like your haircut.”

Happy grunts unhappily from the driver’s seat.

“He’s not feeling particularly chatty, kid,” Tony says, pulling out his Starkphone. “He’s had a rough day. Did you hear about the hack?”

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