Ch 70 - Random Interactions : Steve

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Steve's P.O.V

I thought it was a simple mission that I was assigned. Get in, destroy the ship, take evidence and get out. I didn't count that I will find someone ready to ambush the ship when I reach there.

Line Break~~~

I met Fury on the S.H.I.E.L.D. Hellicarrier because he called for me. I walked into the meeting room to see him looking at something in a screen on the table. I walked to him making my presence known. He immediately closed the screen and gave me his full attention.

"Captain"He greeted."Director". I greeted back. "Any matters at hand that required my presence?" I asked. "Well we wanna give you a matter that will be carried out with great efficiency if you help". Fury said. "Of course. What is the mission?" I asked. "We have the location of a ship of HYDRA." Fury said. "And you want me to destroy it". I said.

"Well yes but it would help if you could search for any evidence that would give us leads on the leader of HYDRA". Fury said. "I'll see what I can do". I said. "Details of the mission". I asked. "Yes of course". Fury said and tapped on the table. The details came in the holographic screen. I looked at them thoroughly.

I had memorized them and was about to leave. "What were you watching when I came?" I asked. Fury sighed. "This guy has been full on destroying HYDRA. It's like they are in a war and he slays everything in the hideout". Fury said playing the video. The guy did had skill. His ability to use the swords and guns was remarkable, none of the bullets were wasted.

"Be on a lookout if you encounter him". Fury told me. "What is his name?" I asked. "We have zero info on him but we have named him Slayer with all the heads he slayed". Fury said. "Slayer". I said lowly to myself. I walked out and went home.

I told everyone about the solo mission and they nodded wishing me luck. I knew I could pull this off without any sweat. The info said that it had no major weapons on the ship, only henchmen and small type weapons.

A day later

I was on my way to the location of the ship. It was around night and that's when the ship came into the view. I picked up the helmet. Tony and Fury had installed a camera and microphone for if anything I left out could still be useful for them.

I took my shield and opened the door of the jet to see a guy sticking on the bottom left of the ship? I jumped and landed beside him. He immediately released his hand grip and aimed his guns at me. Then I saw him clearly. It was Slayer.

"You are the Slayer". I whispered. "I'm the what now?" He asked. "You know you go slaying HYDRA that's what everyone who knows about you is calling you. 'Slayer'." I said. He seemed a bit surprised and then nodded chuckling.

"Well I have some business on this ship and your task was supposed to take it down I suppose?" He asked. I nodded. "Then go wait grandpa I'll do things my own way". He said. I had to reject the proposal. "You see I have to get some evidence of the hideout of the leaders". I said.

"I'll see to that. But I said you LEAVE grandpa". He said. I gave it a thought and jumped up on the deck of the ship. They started shooting me without a second thought. I was cornered when he decided to step in. Every shot pierced the skull of one of them. "I swear if I wasn't busy with my stuff here I would have killed you". He growled.

I shrugged. The alarm ringing in the cabins must have alarmed the others. We decided to sneak in. I hardly did anything. The guy basically was a one man army. Slashing, shooting. Blood everywhere. We cleared the 3 floors on the upper level.

"All done." I said. "What the hell are you talking about?" He asked. "Well it had only 3 floors on the deck so we are all done clearing it". I told the guy, maybe he wasn't well informed. "Jeez do some research before barging up your ass on an enemy ship". He said.

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