Ch 81 - Worried Family

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Tony walked into the penthouse after being away on a mission for six days. He wanted a cheeseburger and sleep. He had already placed an order for delivery for food so that it would be delivered by the time he was out of the shower. He walked down the hall toward his room. He expected to find Pepper sleeping but she wasn’t in there.

“Fri, where is Pepper?” Tony asked walking into the bathroom.

“Pepper is currently in the lab with Peter, sir.” Friday explained.

“I swear if that kid has been refusing to sleep…” Tony muttered changing directions to head to the lab.

Tony walked into the lab but pulled up short when he saw that Peter was still in his suit but his mask was hanging loose in his hand. He seemed to be reasoning with Pepper about sleep. Tony frowned. Pepper never struggled to sleep—Or did she?

“I can’t sleep, Peter. It’s fine. I’m just sitting down here for a bit because then I don’t feel lonely with Dum-E and U. You go on up to bed and I’ll text May to let her know you’re staying.” Pepper was telling the teenager.

“No! You’ve been awake and surviving on coffee for two days! You’d never let me do that.” Peter groaned.

“I can’t, Pete! I can’t sleep! I close my eyes and I imagine the worst. I’m terrified every second he’s gone that he’s not going to come back!” Pepper said and Tony’s heart broke when he heard her voice crack with this.

“Friday would tell us if something was wrong.” Peter said but his voice was starting to sound nervous.

“Would she? I don’t know that! He could have her lie to us so that we don’t worry.” Pepper pulled her cardigan tighter around her trying to fight off the cold that wouldn’t seem to leave.

“For all we know he’s hurt right now.” Peter whispered.

“Right.” Pepper went to take another sip of coffee but it was empty.

“I’ll go make us more coffee.” Peter told her.

Tony walked into the room stopping this process, “How about we calm down on the coffee and have a heart to heart?”

“Tony!” Peter hugged him tight, “We missed you!”

Tony hugged him back while keeping an eye on his fiancé who was avoiding eye contact, “Go take a shower. You must have just gotten done patrolling. I promise to come talk to you before I go to sleep myself.”

“You’ll tell May that I’m staying?” Peter asked as he walked toward the exit.

“You hear that, Fri?” Tony asked the AI.

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