Ch 40 - Miles 2

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May had been worried sick for her nephew. He hadn't returned for what was nearly a month. 'How is he? Is he alright? Is he eating properly? Where is he?' was all May thought about all the time. She and Avengers had decided that the Avengers will continue to search and May should continue her daily routine until they attain some info and they'll give each other a call immediately if they came across any info.

Morgan had been a mess. She won't eat properly. She just always wore a grim expression. She just blamed herself for Peter going missing. She would cry to herself and no one knew how to approach her either. Tony and Pepper were really nervous too. They were just like parents whose son went missing.

A week later

May came back from her morning shift. She opened the door and heard faint noises from inside the apartment. She instinctively called Tony thinking about the superhero suit and stuff in the apartment. Tony received the call and was immediately at the door of her apartment with the rest of the team.

They opened the door and Natasha went on in first. She checked every room and lastly opened Peter's room and froze. The team kept on calling her from her earpiece but she was too shocked to answer. They barged in ready to attack but came across a shocking sight.

Peter was there on the bed sleeping safely while hugging his pillow. His mouth was open slightly and he was drooling while snoring slightly. They immediately called May who froze at the sight. She trembled and tears started coming out of her eyes. She immediately hugged Peter's sleeping figure who left the pillow and took May on it's place. She was just too happy that her nephew was here too feel uncomfortable by his too strong hold and uncomfortable position.

Peter woke up hours later. Assuming that even if he came after half of May's shift he still slept around a day enough. He walked out in his t-shirt rubbing his eyes with one hand and scratching his belly. To say he was surprised was an understatement. He was stunned as he opened his eyes properly he saw everybody. He jumped on the ceiling on instinct of the shock.

Everyone just stared at him. "Hey" Peter started but was cut off by Pepper. "Where were you?" Pepper asked. Her tears spilling. She had received a call in the middle of an evening meeting and she had left it immediately to meet Peter. It was the first time in a month to see him. She hugged him. Peter just stood there.

"Where were you?" Pepper asked again breaking from the hug. Peter didn't answer he just stared at the ground. "Take off your t-shirt" Tony said. "W-What?" Peter asked. "I said take off your t-shirt" Tony repeated. "Why?" Peter asked. "I wanna make sure you weren't doing anything stupid". Tony said. "Oh come on I'm not that stupid" Peter said. "Then take off your t-shirt". Tony said. Peter took of his shirt. They didn't see any cuts or self harm injures but there was a huge pale area that was blue.

"See I didn't do anything stupid". Peter said smiling. "Yeah setting the vanishing aside and that injury" Tony said sarcastically. Peter just kept quiet. "Come on we are going to the Tower to get that checked" Tony said. "I can't" Peter said. "It'll heal on it's own, just trust me. Any doctor is gonna make it worse only for himself and me". Peter said. Tony was about to argue but seeing the seriousness in Peter's tone and eyes he decided to drop it. "All right". Tony said.

"Where were you?" May asked. "I can't tell you". Peter said. "I need answers Peter and I need them now" May said. "I had some stuff to take care of". Peter stated shortly. "So it wasn't related to the sudden outburst on the dinner table?" Pepper asked. "What? Of course not how old do you think I am 5?"Peter said deadpanning." Peter you were literally asking for your brown area of bread to be cut off"Tony said. "Hey I like it that way" Peter said.

"So then why did you leave suddenly?" Pepper asked. "I told you I had some stuff to take care of" Peter said. "Peter give me an explanation". May said. "Oh god I can't. I wish but I just can't". Peter exasperated. "OK ok let's all calm down". Clint and Natasha said getting up to calm down the mood. "No I need to know where he was for a whole month on that too. If it was a day or two I would have let it slide but I need answers". May said. "Yeah". Tony said.

"I can't and I'm too tired to deal with your little questioning session". Peter said and walked back to his room. "He was telling the truth". Wanda said. "What?" Everybody turned to her. "He wasn't angry about the dinner table outburst and I can't see his memories because of Venom" Wanda said. Everybody has almost forgotten about Venom. They nodded, atleast it wasn't anything too bad. "He didn't do anything like self-harm did he?" May asked Wanda. Wanda shook her head and May sighed in relief.

"I believe we should trust Peter on this. He is a responsible kid and he knows what he's doing. If he says he can't tell us we should respect it". Steve said and Bucky nodded. The parent trio exchanged glances and decided to drop the topic.

"Wait did anyone tell Morgan?" Pepper asked. Nobody answered. "Oh no and he said he was too busy to deal with us right now. He probably will come to the Tower at the next Lab day". Pepper said. "OK but atleast she'll be relieved that Peter is home even if she can't meet him" Tony said. They could agree on that point.


Little did they know that it gonna become a weekly thing.

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