Ch 25 - Party Drunk

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Peter might just have spoken a teeny weeny lie to Mr. Stark about the cause of cancelling his lab session. It was not because he wanted to relax bu because he had a party to go to.

So when Tony received a call while eating his dinner he wasn't expecting a drunk Peter.

"Hello" Tony asked. "Oh Mr. Stark I so appreciate your influence on my life". Peter said. "But I need to talk with Pepper right now". "Peter oh my God are you drunk?" Tony asked raising his voice. "What?!" all around the table shouted.

"Wow are you a psychopath how did you know?" Peter asked. "Oh my God why did you need to talk to Pepper?" Tony asked. Before Peter could answer Pepper snatched the phone. "Peter? Hello" Pepper asked. "Oh mom I want you to come here" Peter said.

"Huh OK ok where are you?" Pepper asked. "Ah guys where am I? Peter asked loudly.
" You're in my home Peter" Abe shouted. "Thanks" Peter yelled back. "I'm at Abe house." Peter replied. "Uh OK but where is his house?" Pepper asked.

"Ah it's near the building I saved two days ago from fire" Peter said loudly. "Peter keep quite they don't know you're Spider-Man" Pepper yelled. "Woah I'm Spider-Man? Guys I got updated from Mom that I'm Spider-Man. How cool is that" Peter yelled.

"Oh god he's at a party and he's shouting he's Spider-Man" Pepper said to the group. "Dont worry they are drunk teenagers they don't even remember what's there homework" Sam said. "I agree but why was he asking for you?" Tony said.

"Peter hey why were you asking to talk to me?" Pepper asked. "Oh yeah. So we were having a talk on influential women and I said that I knew you personally but no one believed me then I showed them pictures and now they think I lied so come pick me up" Peter yelled loudly with a sad tone.

"Awwww no worries Mom will be there in 10 minutes" Pepper said. "OK bye mom. See you later. Love you." Peter said happily giggling and ended the call.

"Mom? What was that about?" Natasha asked. "Uh so he said he knew me at a party and no one believed him and now he wants me to pick him up" Pepper said. "Ok? So he called you Mom?" Tony said. "He was drunk" Pepper said.

"We are gonna have a talk about that but he still called me Mr. Stark" Tony said grumbling. "Oh ho ho what is that I smell?
Jealousy? Tony Stark genius, playboy, millionaire, jealous cause he wasn't called dad" Clint said in a dramatic tone.

"I gotta run see ya" Pepper said and took the keys of Ferrari kept on the table. "I guarantee if he wanted me to pick him up he would have called me dad. He was just too focused on Pepper" Tony said with confidence. "Maybe he will call you 'dad' one day infront of you" Steve said. "Yeah... Wait what? What infront you supposed to mean?" Tony asked immediately. "Ah he called you dad once infront of us" Scott said. "What when did this happen and why did you not tell me?" Tony asked.

"Well you said that you didn't want a kid and we didn't wanna ruin what you had so capische." Natasha said zipping her lips. "He came like every lab day and was on his phone and asked 'Hey have you guys seen dad?' and then he immediately caught on what he said and ran out". "Oh ok" Tony said not knowing what to say.

Pepper reached the house and knocked on the door. Mj opened the door and Peter yelled "Everybody here owes me 5$. Not knowing Pepper Potts my ass. Right mom?".
"Yeah now come you are gonna be grounded. Drinking at this age huh?" Pepper said tightening her grip around Peter's ear and dragging him out. There was just silence in the room.

"I'm very disappointed" Pepper said. "I'm sorry but in my defense I was forced by everyone saying 'live like a normal teenager'" Peter said looking sorry. "How much did you drink?"Pepper asked." Uh 2 shots? "Peter said." Are you kidding me! "Peper exclaimed." It's winter. My powers are a little slow so the enhanced metabolism is at rest so I get tipsy real quick"Peter said.


Pepper received the incoming call. "Uh why are you guys calling me?" Pepper asked. "Just wanted to see the perfect boy getting scolded" Sam said. "He drank 2 shots and he was forced by everybody so I think the hangover will be enough" Pepper said. "He got that drunk in 2 shots?" Tony asked. "Yeah he said his powers slow down in winter" Pepper said. "Woah it's dad and avengers" Peter exclaimed. "You you I don't like you". He said pointing at Steve.

"What did I do?" Steve asked. "I got enough on my plate and listening to your lectures on getting through puberty is pure torture. And you don't get to say in respecting women by asking out you weren't able to ask out Carol" Peter said angrily. "What... What... Oh my God I'm sorry." Steve said blushing hard.

"I'll see you later" Pepper said and ended the call. She sped up and parked at the basement. The ride of elevator to the penthouse was real smooth. "We are here" Pepper said.

Peter walked out sleepily and just walked straight up the wall. "Oh my God I'm on the wall" Peter said scared. "Yeah Peter you're Spider-Man". Pepper said. "What? I'm the douchebag" Peter asked. "Who called you douchebag?" Tony asked walking into the room. "Jjj the idiot" Peter said getting down. "Ok then he and I'll be having a talk" Tony said. "Wow thanks dad" Peter said.

"Yeah so you call me dad?" Tony asked. "What do you call a father figure then? I can stop if you want." Peter said. "What no don't stop OK when you are not sober then also" Tony said shaking him. "I'm sober?" Peter asked. Everybody nodded at the question. "Then whose Peter?" Peter asked.
Everybody burst out laughing. "Ahahahaha Friday tell me you got everything" Clint said. "Yes Mr. Barton".

"Now go to sleep" Pepper said pushing him towards his room. Peter stopped and looked at Steve. "Here Grandpa get yourself a date with Grandma and don't let me down" Peter said handing him his phone. "Isn't she like on another planet?" Steve asked. "Tell her I'm in danger and she'll be here as fast as she can. I'm a Mega level Space communication badge holder so the call will be received wherever she is. OK? And for the love God stop the fucking PSA's or next time it won't be getting you a date I'll kick you in balls. Do some copyright claim or some shit". Peter said shaking his head walking towards his room.

"Oh my God. He so much like Tony its like the same sarcasm and way of talking" Steve said and walked off.

Tony smiled proudly at the statement.

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