Ch 35 - Peter's Daughter

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Peter was patrolling through the city and he had caught a bicycle thief when a little girl came to him. "Daddy?" She said to him.
Peter was startled and jumped. "Uh you talking to me?" Peter asked jumping down and leaning to her level.

"Who would I call dad other than you?" The girl said. "Huh i'm not your dad" Peter said. The little girl's lip trembled and she started crying. "DADDY" she screamed and everybody on the street started recording the whole scene. Peter took the girl and started swinging.

"Boss Spider-Man's on the news" Friday said. "Yeah? What for" Tony asked sipping his coffee. "The news says that Spider-Man has a daughter." Friday said. "WHAT" Tony said and choked on his coffee. Everybody immediately turned on the TV.

The saw the scene and the little girl. The girl did look like Peter. She had brown hair and blue eyes. "What the hell" Tony said. "He's just like Tony but he didn't use protection" Clint said. "No Peter's not like that and he straight said that he didn't knew her. I believe him maybe she mistook him for his dad" Tony said. "Tony he wears a suit and mask how could she even mistook him" Steve said.

Tony didn't want to believe this. "Boss Pepper is calling". Friday said. "Oh no more trouble. Friday patch her through" Tony said. "Tony what is this I'm hearing. Did you know Peter had a daughter" Pepper said. "No I swear" Tony said. "OK well call him and tell him to come at the Tower at once with the girl. Me and May are gonna be there very soon" Pepper said and ended the call.

Tony rubbed his forehead. "Friday call Peter". Friday obeyed and called Peter. Peter received the call after a minute. "Ah Mr. Stark kinda busy right now". Peter said. "Peter come to the Tower with the girl at once". Tony said. "How did you know?" Peter asked. "Peter its on the new everybody knows that Spider-Man has a daughter now" Tony said. "What the Hell OK I'll be at Tower in 10 minutes". Peter said and ended the call.

Peter reached the Tower with the little girl sitting on his shoulders eating ice-cream. He entered through the window to see everybody sitting there dead serious. "Hey" Peter said. "Don't hey us" May said. "You didn't tell us" May said. "What I myself didn't know. I don't know who she is" Peter said. "Peter who did you do it with. Who's the mother?" Pepper asked. "I'm telling you I didn't have sec with anybody. I'm going out with Gwen and we are taking it slow. I'm only sixteen" Peter said.

"Look sixteen but you should have used protection." Tony said. The girl ran to Tony. "Grandpa". She hugged Tony's leg. "You're lecturing him and you knew too" Steve said. "What no i dont know who she is" Tony said. "Uh girl what is your name?" Peter asked.

"May" The girl said. "Okay she is your daughter just tell us the truth" Clint said. "Yeah you named her after May" Natasha said. "I'm telling you I don't know her" Peter said. "OK we'll do a DNA test" Tony said and took the girl's skin sample not wanting to scare her with injection. He came back minutes later.

"Science doesn't lie she's got the same DNA she's your daughter" Tony said. "I'm telling you I'm not the dad" Peter said. "Do you know anybody else than Tony here?" Pepper asked the girl. The girl nodded. "Yes that's Aunty Nat, Uncle Clint, Uncle Steve and his boyfriend Uncle Bucky, Uncle Sam, Uncle Bruce who's going out with Aunty Nat. You're Grandma Pepper and that's Aunt May" The girl said. "OK I'm flattered with the cuteness but i wanna hear the truth" Pepper said. "Who's your mom?" Natasha asked. "Gwen Stacy" The girl said.

Everybody turned to Peter. "I'm telling you we didn't have sex" Peter said taking off his mask in frustration. "Woah DADDY why do you look like your high-school photos" May said surprised. "And now that I notice everyone looks younger" May said. "Wait a minute from which year did you come from?" Peter said immediately rushing to the girl. "Uh it's 2025"May said." And you're saying I'll look older in 5 years"Peter said nodding.

"Don't try to fool us tell us the truth" May said. "Keep quiet for a minute" Peter said loudly and everybody shut up. "Uh did your dad I mean I tell you anything to say if you got lost and didn't know anything about the place?" Peter asked. "Yes you said to find Spider-Man and tell him that I'm from C-56A8"May said.

" Thank you. You're such a smart girl"Peter said ruffling the girls hair. "What? Stop with the act" Tony said. "No she's from an alternate universe." Peter said. "Oh my god Peter just confess you made a mistake" May said. "No wait a minute I'll call him" Peter said and ran to his room and came back with a red shard.

"Whats that?" Tony asked. "Uh I once got sucked into an alternate universe and since then we keep going here and there whenever we want with this" Peter said motioning to the shard. "So she's your daughter but from another reality" Tony asked. "Yes I'm telling the truth" Peter said. "Ok now I believe you" Tony said.

Peter activated the shard and a web splintered on the wall. It showed different Spider-Mans. Everybody was super surprised. "So you said you were from C-56A8"Peter said looking at the web." Here he is "Peter said and tapped the shard and the other Spider-Man stopped on a rooftop.

" Hey Peter I'm a little busy. My daughter is missing. "He said." I know she slipped dimensions and now everybody in this universe thinks that teenage superhero Spider-Man has a daughter"Peter said. The other one in the web burst out laughing
"Oh my god I'm opening a portal wait but it's so funny" The other dude said and came out of the web.

He looked at everybody in the back. "Hey everybody's so young". He said. May tackled him in a hug. "Aw did you miss daddy? You did good telling Spider-Man where you were from" The other dude said ruffling her hair. "So you're Peter too but just from a reality where everybody's older" Tony said stepping up. "Hey dad." He said and took Tony in on a hug. "Oh mom's here too" and took Pepper in too. "Wh... What?" Both stuttered out blushing.

Peter took the dude by shoulder and kicked him through the web. "OK bye you little angel" Peter said and swiftly webbed May outside the web and closed the portal. "What was he talking about?" Tony asked. "Nothing" Peter immediately said. "No he called us DAD and MOM" Pepper said.

"Look it's like future just the same but things have to happen at their own pace and we both are connected like none other universe." Peter said. "I know everything about what's gonna happen but i can't tell you or it won't happen" Peter said. "So you are saying that we adopt you and May's OK with it?" Tony asked clarifying.

"Basically yeah but." Peter said. "I don't wanna hear it. May i'm adopting your nephew and you are moving in the Tower" Tony said side hugging both. "No Mr. Stark" Peter said. "I don't care about date and shit. May are you ok with me adopting him?" Tony asked. "Um ok" May said. "No its not supposed to be like that" Peter said. "Either we adopt you now or you give us a date to" Pepper said.

"Ok ok uh it's 9 October so uh 15 November yeah 15 November" Peter said. "OK but we are doing the paperwork tomorrow and putting in stand by you will be my son at 14's midnight" Tony said. "OK ok" Peter said and Tony hugged him and took Pepper in too. "I can't move here I have mine and Ben's apartment and I don't wanna leave it" May said. "Yeah I know this will happen so I've been working on teleportation tech so an empty floor and boom the apartment gets here" Peter said.

May looked taken aback but smiled and joined in on the hug too. They broke and stepped back but kept smiling. He looked to his side to see Steve and Bucky blushing. "Come on its not a secret we know you are in love" Peter said. "How?" Steve asked. "Well for starters Steve people don't break international laws for just a friend" Peter said. Everybody burst out laughing. "Wait why aren't you and Bruce embarrassed" Tony said. "Uh we are sort of going out" Bruce said rubbing his neck.

"WHATTTT" Everybody said.

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