Ch 43 - Suicide? No!!!

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"Sir Peter seems to have removed his web shooters". Friday informed Tony as he was in his lab. "Yeah? What for?" Tony asked not looking up. "He says that he's going to jump". Friday informed which immediately caught Tony's attention. "I'm sorry, what?" Tony asked to confirm. "He says that he's going to jump". Friday said.

Tony ran out of the lab tapping his arc reactor forming his suit. "Hey what's the rush?" Pepper shouted as Tony ran ahead. "Peter says he's going to jump from a high ass building" Tony said. "Friday give me the coordinates of Peter" Tony said. "Sir I believe that you can see him if you go on the roof". Friday said.

Tony broke the window and flew higher to the roof to see everyone coming up. He guessed Pepper ran into the living room and told them and he asked them for Peter's coordinates too.

They saw him sitting on a building a little far away. They started shouting and Tony remained not wanting to panic him which might end up in a negative outcome. "PETER" the shouted. He seemed to have heard it and turned to face us. He gave a smile and motioned to his web shooters.

"HEY DON'T DO IT WHATEVER IS TROUBLING YPU WE CAN TALK IT OUT". Tony screamed. Peter frowned having heard a little of the sentence. He motioned to his ears and waved his hand saying 'Can't hear you'. He moved a little back trying to get a run off the building.

"Oh no he's going to jump" Tony said and started flying at full speed towards it. All of them watched horrified with tears in eyes. Tony ordered Friday for full speed. He was just about to reach when he jumped and started to free fall.

Peter yelled as he felt freely. "PETER NOOOO!!!" Tony cried horrified. Peter shot a web and hung and Tony too relieved that his son was alright crashed into the building.

He swung just like Miles while 'what's up danger' is playing and landed on the Avengers tower. "Pretty cool right?" Peter said motioning to his wrists that had no web shooters. He didn't get an answer but just got hugged out of life by Pepper and everyone joining in slowly. Everybody's tears had stopped seeing as he was fine but Pepper just cried.

" Don't ever scare me like that" Pepper said and Peter just nodded not having a single clue. "What the FUCK was that about?" Tony said landing. "Oh man. Mr. Stark OK sit down I'm so excited to tell you". Peter said excitedly moving like a child.

All went down and sat. "OK so apparently my powers are improving and new are coming on surface as I'm growing up". Peter said. "Basically going through puberty is giving you new words". Steve said. "Gosh Steve you are so dumb. I just didn't want to say that word. Do I look like I don't have a good vocabulary". Peter said. "Sorry" Steve said like a child. "OK so see this". Peter said and took his hand out.

Suddenly a jolt of lightning erupted from his hand to the ceiling. "WHAT THE FUCK THAT WAS SO COOL". Clint yelled. "And dangerous". Tony said but still seemed impressed. "Oh my God this power showed up at the worst possible time." Peter said chuckling and whining. "When?" Pepper asked. "I was wiping my Butt after shiting and suddenly this electric jolt ran through my body and I felt and was not able to move for like an hour". Peter said.


Laughter erupted. "Only you Peter, only you". Tony said holding his stomach from laughing. "OK moving on see this" Peter said and pointed to the ceiling and made his web shooter shooting hand position. Web came out of his wrist and stuck to the ceiling. "Woah" Bruce said. "I know right. Me and Ned ran some tests and it's better than the synthesised fluid one I use but I feel weak after using too much" Peter said.

"OK I'll remember that". Tony said nodding. "And for the final show" Peter said and sat on the floor. "Give the drum roll idiots". Peter said. Clint, Bucky and Sam started making noise. Peter vanished in thin air. "What.. What where did he go. Teleportation? Rest powers can be related to spiders but this?" Bruce and Tony said looking around. "Who said it's Teleportation?" someone said. "Oh my fucking God invisibility." Tony and Bruce yelled and Peter came back in view sitting at the same spot.

"Haha cool right?" Peter said grinning. "Man I wished mine puberty was like that" Clint said. "Yes extremely super duper cool but we need to be informed before you pull a stunt like that. Do you wanna kill us by heart attack?" Tony said and Pepper nodded standing up. "But I did inform Friday that I was checking my genetic webs" Peter said. "But Friday didn't tell me anything". Tony said. "You didn't ask for reason boss" Friday said. "You just asked what for not why?" She replied sassily.

"DAMN I forget I programmed her so sassy". Tony said. "But you'll come to us if anything like this ever happens first thing OK?" Tony said. Peter nodded. "OK now come here." Tony said and hugged Peter. "Not that I'm complaining but what is this for?" Peter asked. "Everybody got a hug excluding me so I'm getting even". Tony replied coolly.

"Yeah not a Dad my booty. He was so scared and panicking while running to go see Peter. Like the dude almost fainted". Clint said and Pepper and the team laughed covering it up with coughs. But Tony didn't reply back or mind the statement he just wanted to enjoy this hug with his son.

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