Ch 07 - Venom

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Venom had always been with Peter since he visited his dad's laboratory and it bonded with him leaving the researchers frantically searching around the building for the alien substance.

They had reached a common decision of not eating people instead Peter ate lots of chocolates to feed him. He only let Venom take over when he had come far away from Avengers Tower and told Karen to take a rest so she couldn't record not wanting his super fam to worry.

He didn't remember how he and his family ended up being beaten senseless and locked in a cell. Hydra was certainly getting smarter to make a cell that would cease their powers and a force field to prevent outsiders from freeing them and for Thor to call Mjolnir.

"How do we get out of here?" asked pre-serum Steve that looked like a little stick boy who got sick alot. "We can't do anything and backup cannot help the only way to break out is from inside and that too is negligible cause no one can use powers, so if anyone has got an ace up their sleeves it's the right time to show it." Tony answered agitated from staying captured.

" OK VENOM TIME "Peter growled as Venom started taking over forming the ooze suit over his Iron-Spider suit. All of the Avengers yelped and scooted in a corner away from Peter completely horrified as where their sweet, cinnamon roll, ball of sunshine once stood, stood a complete monster of darkness with massive teeth and claws and a ridiculously long tongue making shivers sent down of their spines.

"Hey, it's cool I'm still here" Peter spoke as the mask divided half. "Peter what the absolute FUCK is that parasite" Tony blurted out. "Calm down V he's nice he feeds you chocolate" Silence followed"No I'll not allow you to eat Mr. Stark's head" Peter tried explaining calmly to the substance. Tony hearing the 'can't eat Mr. Stark' s head' part scooted further into his corner of cell.

"OK we'll talk later" Peter said as the mask reformed and he increased in size. He was maybe even taller than Hulk. His black ooze hand started to reform and in a split second a whip like a bolt of lightning tore through the force field like it was nothing.

They started following Peter as he walked through the base knocking out everyone he saw and then destroyed the entrance to dust and walked out. Then the ooze started to fade and only a head stuck to his shoulder talking to him.

"Guys meet Venom" Peter said calmly with a smile.


Part 2?
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