Ch 04 - Pepper Potts Fanboy Peter Parker

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Pepper was pissed she had to deal with the Chinese branch Head all by himself because a certain someone didn't decide to show up. She walked into the workshop and yelled "Get out here Tony. We need to have a talk about responsibilities." She didn't meet Tony but a certain teenager shocked with her sudden outburst got up as fast as he could.

His eyes seemed to widen to the size of dinner plates upon seeing Pepper. "Oh my God!! I'm so sorry Ms. Potts I was just passing by and decided to pay Mr. Stark a visit and he told me he was free". Pepper just stood there and processed the info given by the teenager. "And you are....?" Pepper questioned.

Peter just blushed from embaressment of his first impression "Peter Mam Ms. Potts".
Pepper just merely chuckled at the sight of the flushed teenager. Tony came out from the other side of lab and decided to stay to hear the conversation following between the two.

"It's Pepper, Peter and nice to meet you" Pepper stated with a warm smile on her face.

"Good luck with that one I have been trying to make him call me Tony for months and he still calls me Mr. Stark due to some respect your elders bullshit". Tony said from the table he was standing behind.

Peter didn't notice him and continued "Yes, of course Pepper." Peter said.

"Now wait just a minute you call her Pepper within minutes of meeting her and I'm still stuck with Mr. Stark" Tony spoke rather loudly.

"But Mr. Stark it's Pepper Potts" Peter exasperated."Youngest CEO of a million dollar company and has appeared in all the popular magzines 'Top 10 list' at least three times". Peter tried to reason.

"And I'm Tony Stark" Tony stated in a matter of factly way.

"But she IS Pepper Potts" Peter shot back.

"Oh I like you"

Peter's head whopped around as if he had forgotten that the woman he was gushing over was still in the room. Smiling sweetly, Pepper walked over to the boys and gently brushed the bangs out of Peter's face.

"Uh-uh, nope, get your hands off my intern."

Peter looked at Tony in confusion as Pepper's hand came to rest on the boy's shoulder, trying to subtly guide him away from his mentor. "But Mr. Stark -" His protest fell short as Tony reached out and literally pulled him over to his side.

"Nope, come stand over here and tell me more about how I'm your favorite Avenger."

Pepper knew she had a mischievous glint in her eye and Tony must have noticed too, because he moved to angle himself in front of his young intern, blocking him from her view.

"Now Tony, while I'm sure Peter would love to sit in your lab and talk about how great you are, there's a chance he might be more interested in coming with me while I do my R&D walk through." It was low hanging fruit and she knew it, but she couldn't help her smirk as Peter's eyes grew somehow even wider with a rather endearing amount of childlike wonder, as he stared at her from over her fiancé's shoulder.

Tony narrowed his eyes at Pepper in a playful glare, "I see what you're here doing Potts, but I don't think it will be that easy to win over my very loyal intern slash protégé slash son-figure."

"Yes, it will!"

"Shut up kid." Tony turned to glare at Peter but if the way the boy was bouncing excitedly was any indication, it was either lost on him or he didn't care.

Pepper knew this was her chance, she was going to win this kid over. It would be Tony's punishment for not showing up to yet another board of directors meeting, "I think we should let Peter decide what he'd like to do." She decidedly did not look at Peter as she spoke, choosing instead to look at Tony; daring him with a quirked eyebrow to try and argue her on this. "What'd you say Pete? Would you like to come with me while I go over all the latest R&D proposals, or would you rather to stay here with Mr. Stark staring at equations for another five hours?"

Both adults turned to look at Peter. He looked back. His eyes flickered back and forth between them, clearly feeling like a rope during a game of tug-of-war. Pepper almost felt bad for putting him in the middle of this, but it was too fun.

"Think long and hard about this decision now Pete, you wouldn't want to hurt my feelings," Tony fixed Peter with a stern glare.

Peter gulped.

"Um, wow, okay, as much as I love spending time with you Mr. Stark, and you know I do!" he threw his hands up in almost a defensive posture, "This is, uh, this is Pepper Potts, and she is- she's inviting me to take a look at SI's R&D department and that's like a once in twelve lifetimes kind of thing. So, I think, if it won't be too much of a bother, I'd, uh, I'd like to go with her." It was a statement, but he spoke it like a question, looking timidly at Tony as if to gauge if he was allowed to go.

Pepper however didn't care for Tony's permission. Instead she just smiled, throwing her arm around Peter's shoulders and guiding him out of the lab. "Wonderful! You're gonna love this, Peter." She had the boy's full attention as they walked, telling him about what they were about to see.

As the pair stepped into the elevator, Tony stuck his head out of his lab, "This isn't over, Potts!"

Pepper grinned.


If you want I can continue this mini series. 🙂🙂
One request in comment and one vote and the series will be continued. 😊❤️❤️

Part 2 is Ch 05

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