Ch 41 - Miles 3

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After the whole vanishing incident Peter had only gone to the Tower for one Lab day and it wouldn't be called Lab day since he spent the whole time consoling Morgan that Peter had some stuff to take care of that's why he went away not because he was angry at Morgan. Morgan cried a whole lot but it went back to normal about till half the time was left so they ended up playing.

Peter just didn't go back to Tower after that, always giving excuses like not feeling well, wanting to spend some time with May, having school stuff to do etc. May was told by Peter about some other stuff like wanting to get some air, hangout with friends, patrol.


Tony walked into the room from his lab after receiving a call from Peter. "He won't be coming this Friday too". Tony said. Everybody turned to him. The atmosphere had been tense a little about Peter. It had been two months since the incident and Peter had come only once since then. "7 consecutive excused to get out of Lab day". Tony said.

"Maybe he's just tired. Spider-Man, school work and all maybe he wants to take a break". Pepper said. "Nonsense. The kid came once when he had been stabbed the previous night. Lab day mattered to him so much". Tony said. "We can't do anything if he doesn't want to see us". Steve said grimacing at the idea itself.

"Is it because of me?" Morgan asked, her little lips wobbling and tears coming in her eyes. "No, no, no, no sweetheart. He surely has some important stuff to do that's why he's not coming. It's not like he hates us, right?" Tony said. But no one answered.

Tony somehow consoled Morgan and set her to bed after she had slept tired from all the crying." Ok that's it. 7 times in a row. We are now talking like adults". Tony said and called Peter everyone surrounding him.

Peter picked up after 3 rings. "Uh currently busy Mr. Stark." Peter said. "No Peter I no we wanna talk right now". Tony said. "Huh ah OK I'm wait a sec". Peter said. "Hey hey Peter see I captured him" a new voice said from the background. Everyone's eyebrows rose hearing the new voice. "Yeah very good. I'm coming. Talk to you like in an hour I promise". Peter said and ended the call.

"Did you hear the voice too?"Tony asked. Everyone nodded." Friday can you track Peter? "Tony asked." No Boss. He's currently out of surveillance area". Friday said. "What!!!" Tony screamed. "Calm down Tony. What happened?" Pepper said. "With the help of Rocket of the whole Quill Gang Friday can keep track of all the area covered by them". Tony said rubbing his temple. "Wait so you mean he's not in the area around hundreds of light years?" Bruce asked. Tony nodded. "Wait wait say in normal language so we can understand". Clint said.

"He's saying he's so far away that light which has the greatest speed known to mankind will take hundreds of years to reach". Bruce said. "WHAT!!!" a collective scream. Tony thanked internally that the walls were soundproof or he'd be consoling Morgan again. "How did he go there?" Pepper said. "I don't know". Tony said. "Are you sure he's not pranking us. I mean he did hack the suit as you told". Steve said. "Could be". Tony said.

"Wait you heard the voice right?" Clint asked. Everybody nodded. "It definitely was a boy". Everybody nodded again. "Then maybe he's a boyfriend and is scared to come out". Clint said proud of the theory. "OK that is the strongest possibility as all things add up in that case". Steve said. "What no way Peter would have definitely talked to us if he was gay". Tony said. "You don't know maybe he told May but not us. Who are we?" Clint said. Tony shut up thinking about it. "He's gonna call in a hour right? We'll confront him then". Pepper said.

The next day

Peter got up from his bed and walked out of the room. He didn't look around he went in the shower and squeezed toothpaste on his toothbrush and started brushing. He turned around to see everyone sitting in the room. He jumped with his face up the toothbrush hit the ceiling and chocked him. He felt and coughed.

"Jeez stop scaring me like that". Peter said rubbing his jaw. "Why didn't you call yesterday?" Tony asked. "I forgot honestly. So what do you wanna talk about?" Peter said. "Bullshit. You just ignored us". Tony said. "What no!!" Peter said. "You know we had to make time to be here. Pepper bailed on a meeting. The Avengers are all unemployed but they did left their couch spots which look like concrete and May had to take a leave". Tony said. He received glares from the Avengers.

"Why are you so angry? If you took out time to be here then tell me what it was about so we can both be on our ways". Peter said. "Are you gay?" May asked.


A blush slowly came on Peter's cheeks. "What?" Peter asked. "You know what I asked." May said. "No." Peter said. "There's nothing wrong with it if you are. We'll love you just as much." Pepper said. "Yeah I know. But I'm not". Peter said. Everyone exchanged glances.

"Then who was the voice yesterday?" Tony asked. "What?... Oh ah he was a friend". Peter said. "And what had you caught?" Tony asked. "Ah.... Mistake in one question". Peter said. Tony sighed. "I won't force you into coming out if you don't want to". Tony said. "Hey man what is the talk about sexuality? I have a girlfriend and it's going great". Peter said.

"Then why did it said you were hundreds of light years away when I asked Friday to locate your phone". Tony asked. Peter sweat dropped. "Was it a prank?" Clint asked. Peter immediately loosened. "Ah haha yeah" He said rubbing the back of his neck.

Natasha nudged Tony in the side. "Let's go" She said shortly. "OK we just came to clear that up. See you later". Tony said and forced everyone out with him even after they protested. May just looked at him sadly. "May please. I am not gay. I don't do anything wrong. Why are you so disappointed?" Peter asked. "You might not do anything wrong but you are keeping secrets". May said. "I wish I could tell you now but later alright? Believe me I'll tell you when it's the time".

May nodded in understanding. She knew if Peter said that he'll tell her than he will. "Thanks May". Peter said and walked dinto his room.

Tony and everyone reached back at the Tower. "Why did you back out? We would have known?" Clint said. "Natasha wanted to go" Tony said. "Why?" Steve asked. "He was lying". Natasha said. "So he won't admit he's gay". Clint said. "No not about that it's about the being light years away". She said.

Sweat came on Tony's forehead. "W.. What do we do then?". Tony asked his breath hitching. Pepper immediately rubbed his bank and started counting. "We tap his phone. If he did some changes so he could accept calls while being that away then we can also hack it and see the video and hear the audio to know what's going on". Natasha said.

They nodded hearing the idea.


The next part will be the final or maybe one more. 😉🤗💖😊😁

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