Ch 74 - Tired Of Life 6

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"Help us". That's the line Peter heard before the signal went off. Peter freaked out. It was definitely Zola that spoke in the background. How did he know his identity. How did he get all of them to gather?

A million thoughts crossed his mind. He rushed to the pilot seat of the jet. "Karen did you trace the signal?" Peter asked. "Yes Peter". She said. "OK we need to hurry but not make mistakes. Let's start by knowing the full story."Peter said."Contact Pinch" Peter said.

Pinch's recordings started playing. It was a family vacation they were supposed to be on. Not some dumb warehouse all trapped. He breathed a sigh of relief. At least his identity was not known to them. So the chances Avengers would get hurt were less considering if HYDRA knew they knew him.

"OK ok you got my duffle bag ready?" Peter asked. "Yes Peter all the guns and ammos are present". Karen said. "Fire up the engines. This ends today". Peter said.

Line Break~~~

The older ones were dragged out of the cage and tied in Vibranium chains. "What do you want?" Tony yelled. "Revenge for everything you have done to HYDRA till day". Zola said. "Look at this. All of them gathered at one place with their children moreover". Zola said clapping.

"Izn't it great Zola. Capttain America will pay for hiz zinz today". Red Skull said walking in to the room. "Skull". They whispered darkly. "Anyone of you know the Night Prowler?" Zola asked. They shook their head. "Zo he really doez work alone. Imprezzive taking down almost HYDRA by one guy". Skull said.

"Beat them as you please". Zola said to the henchmen but looked at Skull for confirmation. When he nodded the torture session for them began. The kids were forced to watch to watch their parents suffer so heavily.

Gun shots in palms. Beating them mercilessly with bat's, rods. Punches kicks and shocks and what else. They felt like crying but we're too shocked to see the scene to cry. Cooper broke down and Lila hugged him while crying.

Slowly Cassie and Morgan came to their senses too and yelled seeing the bloody mess of their parents. Lila took them in the hug burying their faces so they couldn't see the horrible view. While she cried silently.

They were all proud of her. A big sister. She had grown into one amazing big sister. They wanted to appreciate her, tell her that it'll be alright. But the hope was none. The torture had made them think that it was hallucination that they heard Peter voice.

They wanted to be brave but the pain was too great. Even Natasha and Bucky who had previously been tortured by HYDRA were crying then what were the other to put on a brave face.

One of them brought out a katana and and stood in front of Laura and Clint. "You die now assholes". He said. "Noooooooo" Lila yelled. Running to the bars.

"Leave them alone". She said. The henchmen looked at her terrified expression and smiled slyly. "You're right it would be worse than death for them to see their daughter die first". He said starting to walk toward the cage.

A crash and the whole warehouse was filled with dust. All heard was the shattering of glass of the roof and everyone was on guard. A clank was heard. As the dust settled they saw the cage broken to bits. Lila laid there terrified and one man walked out of the dust.

He hugged Lila. "You've been brave". He said silently knocking him out. He waked towards the other kids and they saw him with terrified expression. He smiled under the mask. He ruffled their hair and they eased up a little bit but he knocked then out too.

"It was a problem with us that you had leave my kids alone". Clint yelled. He put a finger on his lip. The henchmen were sweating. "Prowler". Zola said darkly. "Bless my luck. All the effort will be saved of finding you two jackasses separately ". Prowler said.

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