Ch 34 - Hickeys?

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Peter sat at the dinner table with his favourite hoodie on eating with the Avengers. His neck itched so he just scratched his neck by adjusting his hoodie giving a better view to everybody.

"Peter what is that?" Pepper asked sitting beside him. "Huh what?" Peter said covering the area of his neck. Everybody stopped eating and saw the scene unfold.

"No Peter, I saw it what was it?" Pepper said. "I'm telling you it's nothing" Peter said focusing on the food. Pepper left her food and to look at Peter. She held his neck with one hand and with the other saw the area of the neck.

"Is that a hickey?" Pepper asked. Clint and Tony choked on their food and had to be given water and patted on their back. "A what now?" Tony asked.


"Peter you said you didn't have a girlfriend. Did you lie to me?" Tony asked. "Uh no answers". Peter said rubbing the back of his neck. "No you are answering us or we are calling May". Pepper said.

"Ok ok just don't call May" Peter said. "Uh its not a hickey they don't leave marks with my enhanced healing. A hunter from Africa just showed up on patrol and shot me with some poison and the dart just pierced through here" He said pointing to his neck. "So yeah its not a hickey it's a poison wound that healing slowly". Peter said.

"Huh that's a relief wait no it's not you hid your injury again" Tony said. "Wait he said he gets Hickeys but they don't leave marks" Sam said. "Sam get a life or a girlfriend please stop interrupting my life" Peter said. Sam blushed and sunk into his seat.

"Yeah so you have a girlfriend" Pepper said. "Okay so what" Peter said. "Why didn't you tell us or me?" Pepper said. "Face it you won't be able to control yourself. You would come to my dates undercover and no one here is qualified enough to advice me" Peter said.

"What makes you say that?" Tony said. "Yeah you wanna hear it. It will hurt for sure" Peter said. "Yes" Everybody said. "OK Tony ex-playboy only relationship long enough is with Pepper cause she is understanding. Pepper only Tony so you only know how to keep in control the other person. Natasha not brave enough to ask out Bruce and same with him. Bucky and Steve radiate on sexual tension and Sam is single since like forever. Vision and Wanda what to say I don't know"Peter said.

"OK yeah that explains". Tony said. Everybody sat silently and Nat and Bruce and Bucky and Steve took glances at each other and kept blushing. "Say don't talk about us tell us how it went". Pepper said.

"OK so she's in my class and I asked her out and she said yes. She knows I'm Spider-Man and her dad hates me as Spider-Man and Peter both and she helps me when I'm injured and understands if I'm late on a date. She's very understanding so yeah its going great. "Peter said.

" What was her name again? "Pepper said." I'm not telling you her name or you'll run a background check and kidnap her for questioning "Peter said.


Peter finished the meal and walked to his room." DAMN he knows us pretty well"Pepper said. "Don't worry I'm gonna search and spy on all girls at his school to figure her out" Natasha said. "How about I accompany you" Bruce said. "Yeah I'd like that" Natasha said smiling. "Ok I see his point" Tony said looking at both of them.

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