Chapter 29

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Road to Victory

I was finally here. The edge of Viridian City: the entrance to Victory Road. I gulped, checked my badges and made sure they were visible and ran forward. I couldn't wait to get started, I was ready for this and so were my friends.

I couldn't have gotten this far without them, they helped me out a lot when I was down. I felt as though I was going to burst, I had never felt this way before.


I stopped in my tracks and quickly turned around, a little annoyed that someone stopped me. My eyes widened,y heart skipped a beat, and I felt my face flush.

"What? I never expected to see you out here!" Green grinned, walking towards me with his hands in his pockets.

I burrowed my eyebrows. "What's that supposed to mean?"

He laughed and pet me on the head. "So you're going to the Pokémon League? I can't believe that YOU collected all the badges."

I frowned and felt my cheeks puff up. "Is it that hard to believe? I'm not the same girl who lost to you back then!"

Green laughed cockily. "Then maybe I should whip you back into place, as a warm-up for when I'm champion."

I gulped, hesitating to agree on the battle. I remembered how Haru looked when I lost. I couldn't let the whole team lose due to my incompetence. I started shaking, doubting myself if I could even beat the first Elite Four member, let alone take on the champion. Hell, if I can't even beat Green, why am I even here?

Green clicked his tongue. "If you can't even accept my challenge, you should quit. What would happen if I were the Champion and you managed to beat the Elite Four? Do you think you could beat me?"

I couldn't say anything. It was like he read my mind, I hated that he was right. He sighed and stroked my hair, he whispered something that I couldn't hear and left.

I watched his back as he disappeared from my sight. I couldn't move for a long time, I didn't know how much time had passed. I could almost feel myself crying, but I didn't let myself. I sucked up the tears, and ran through, hoping that I'd run into Green. I'd accept his challenge, and prove him wrong. I was meant to be here.


I panted as I arrived at the Pokémon League front gates, and I stormed inside, hoping that Green was inside. Unfortunately, he wasn't inside. The only person who was looked like a guard, was at the back of the room, surrounded by several statues of what looked like a Charizard.

I made sure my badges were visible and proceeded to move forward. I stopped when he threw his arm out, he glared at me. "BoulderBadge?"

I frowned and pointed to it.

He nodded. "Proceed."

I had to deal with this seven more times since they didn't believe that I had all the badges. I do not doubt in my mind that Green must've said something to them, and it only fueled my desire to beat him.

I was finally let into Victory Road, but they should've called it Victory Cave. I could hardly see anything, so I called Kaen out so he could light the way. I was a little terrified since it was dark, but I had also put a repel on me so nothing would jump out and surprise me.

Kaen also froze if he sensed anything, which was a good addition. I couldn't even tell if there were other people in this place. I had no idea where to go, so it was Kaen and me against the darkness of the cave.

"Hey Kaen..."

Kaen moved his fluffy tail towards me.

"I... might not be here soon," I mumble.


I stopped and called everyone out of their pokéballs. "You all should know... Nessie would you mind explaining to them?"

Nessie nodded in the faint light that Kaen shared, she didn't say anything to me but I could see the faint expressions that all of them were making. I assume Nessie finished her explanation, and they all pounced on me, tears were in their eyes.

I started tearing up too, smiling bitterly as I looked into their eyes. "Sorry... for not telling you guys sooner... I'll come back. I swear!"

They all refused to return to their pokéballs, and they walked with me. I was happy that they didn't hate me, but I was also upset at myself. Maybe I shouldn't have told them.

I noticed Belphie getting sleepy, so I picked him up and carried him in my arms. He got heavier, but it made sense since he was a Raichu now. I saw Haru and he bowed down, allowing me to hop on his back.

I had never done this before, I was very eager to ride on Haru's back. It felt like I was on a horse, I was smiling from ear to ear as Haru kept on walking. I saw a small light in the distance.

"Kaen, could you go check that out? It might be the exit." I asked, getting down from Haru.


Kaen agilely ran to the light and nodded back to me. I grinned. "Let's go, guys!"

Haru scooped me back up and ran with me on his back, and the light got brighter and brighter until it hit me.

The sunlight struck us all in the face, and I stretched my arms. "Belphie, wake up."

He blinked. "Raaiiii."

I hopped off of Haru and pointed. "Let's go!"

We all ran with each other, approaching the stairs of the Pokémon League. Huge, white steps with several statues and canopies leading up to the building that we would beat.

I smiled and looked at all my Pokémon, my friends who've helped me along the way. "Let's go!"


I didn't want to make victory road full of battles, so I instead made it with Alyssa talking to her Pokemon :) kind of filler but next few days will be filled with battles!

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