Chapter 12

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Encounter with a Grunt

I hopped along the trail, happy with the tickets I got from Bill back to Cerulean City. It was a beautiful day, but I could hear faint screaming in the distance.

A shiver went down my spine, and I dashed to the sound. I saw a blur rush by me in a dark blue uniform.

"Hey! What happened!?" I asked, sprinting after him.

"Team Rocket invaded someone's home!" He shouted.

I quickly sped after him to the invaded home, and I was shocked.

Broken windows, the door was kicked down, and the residents were cowering with several other cops that were checking out the scene.

"What happened?" I asked the cowering resident.

She sobbed loudly as she held her child. "T-they robbed us! I couldn't even fight back!"

Her loud cries made me rage.

"I'll stop them!" I exclaimed.

The officers gave me a snide comment. "What makes you think YOU could stop them? Even us officers have a hard time with those people."

I frowned and showed them my badges. "I think these will speak for themselves."

I stormed off and followed the rummage, it wasn't long before I encountered a grunt. He glared at me and stalked towards me.

"This ain't your damn backyard." He hissed, his breath closing in around me.

"Yeah? It isn't yours either!" I shouted back.

He scoffed. "I'm innocent in all this! You dare accuse me just of because what I wear?"

"Don't! There's a horrified woman who's terrified of y'all! I'm going to punish you in place!" I grinned, gripping a pokéball.

He smirked. "Oh? That enthusiasm will be wonderful when it changes to pure demise."

He sent out a Machop, a fighting type who resembled a small human with muscles. Its gray body was almost sickly looking, but its eyes were that of a fighter.

I sent out Osore, who looked majestic in the light.

"Aerial Ace!"

Osore was even faster than before and knocked down Machop. It wasn't enough to take down the small fighter, and it used Low Kick on Osore.

Osore's gut was kicked, but luckily he shook it off. Osore quickly finished the battle up with another Aerial Ace, but the grunt had another Pokémon in his arsenal.

"Don't get so cocky, you damn brat!" He shouted, throwing his other pokéball out.

I switched out Osore with Spike since he needed more experience, and I think he was going to evolve pretty soon.

Unfortunately, my opponent sent out a Drowzee. This Pokémon resembled a yellow elephant with a very short trunk, and this Pokémon could stand while being slightly chunky.

It was also a psychic type, which Spike was weak against.

I figured I should try to damage it as much as I could. "Spike, use Poison Sting!"

His small horn glowed a brilliant shade of purple, and he shot several needle-shaped darts at Drowzee. It shook off the purple needles like they were nothing but the feathers of a bird.

"Disable." He smirked.

Drowzee locked eyes with Spike and stared him down, but Spike got distracted by the grunt's unkempt appearance.

"Peck!" I shouted.

Spike flew at Drowzee and poked it roughly with his mouth. Drowzee fell to the ground but still didn't faint. I guess all of the blubber it had made for great defense.

"Confusion!" Grunt yelled.

Drowzee's eyes suddenly glowed a light blue and so did Spike. He was being levitated off the ground and thrown down. He squeaked uncomfortably, but he quickly got back up.

"Another Peck!" I shouted.

Spike delivered the finishing blow and grunt was enraged. "Impossible... brat!"

I narrowed my eyebrow as Spike started to glow. Surely he couldn't be evolving too, but my question was answered right in front of me and the grunt.

Spike grew to the size of a bulldog. His horn was longer, his eyes were sharper, and he looked even more aggressive.

"Spike!" I shouted, throwing my arms around him.

"Sauur..." he mumbled.

"Aren't you excited!? Now you're even stronger!" I gleefully told him.

He seemed to release his tension and nuzzled his head into my chest. The grunt came towards me with something in his hands, and Spike suddenly stood in front of me.

The tension that left him was quickly brought back when the grunt stalked to us.

"I... stole this. It's a TM..." he grunted, slowly extending his arm to me.

He gave it to me and disappeared. I didn't know where he went, but he vanished. I felt rather bad since I beat him, but he chose the wrong way in life when siding with them.

I returned to the cops, but they insisted that I keep the TM. It felt awkward to deny, so I hesitantly put the TM in my bag.

I continued back down south, battled a few trainers, and just enjoyed the outdoors of this world. I didn't want this to end, but I knew it was bound to happen.

I shook those thoughts away and continued to march forward. Soon enough, we were in Vermilion City.

It was huge with crowds of people everywhere, most were dressed well. My eyes went to my clothes, which I hadn't changed my style since I left since my mom only packed me the same outfit.

I shrugged off the feeling of my poverty and searched for the Pokémon Center. I glanced in the direction of the sea and saw a beautiful white ship with several round windows around the deck.

My heart leaped with joy and I dashed inside of the center to quickly heal my Pokémon. Nurse Joy saw how elated I was and quickly healed my Pokémon.

I thanked her and quickly ran out to the ship, and I basked in all its glory. The name read: S.S. Anne.

People kept giving me glances and making snide comments about my appearance, which was understandable since I was an alone teenage girl, underdressed about to enter an expensive-looking ship.

However, if these people knew how much money I made by beating people in Pokémon battles, then I'd probably be richer than any of them.

I approached the guard, who looked like the classic cartoon, Popeye. "Can I help you?"

I gulped and held out my ticket that Bill had given me. He snatched it away and examined it.

He shrugged. "Welcome aboard the S.S. Anne, kid."

I gave him a huge smile and ran inside.

The halls were adorned with gray wallpaper and the round windows gave me a view of the beautiful city. I didn't realize it then, but I had been waiting in line for so long that it was already dusk.

I stepped out onto the dock and took in the cool evening breeze. I watched the sunset over the city, and I felt tears well up. I hoped that this wouldn't end, I wanted to stay here.


I turned and saw Green, holding a plate of food with his cheeks stuffed. He swallowed his food and put his hand on my cheek, gently wiping my eyes.

"Why are you crying?"

Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a great day and spent time with the people you love! I got a new chapter for you all too! Thanks for reading! :D

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