Chapter 2

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Jessie made sure her partner was sleeping before she started to make her escape. She almost wanted to know how he would react the next morning when he realized she was missing, but in a few short minutes that wouldn't be her problem anymore. With her bag packed and all of her pokeballs from the past years safely tucked away in a pocket, she was ready to finally step away from the place that had been her home for a long time.

As Jessie walked over to the door, she hesitated before turning the door handle. Doubts were starting to backtrack her plans. She prayed she was making the right decision. What was the worst that could happen? Was running away really worth the risk of using her last warning? Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all...

No. There was no going back now. She made a decision and she was going to stick with it. There was no point in going on if she wasn't going to be happy. She could only hope that James and Meowth would be happy in their new positions, they deserved it after all these years. She sent them her best wishes before leaving her room for the last time. Please, be happy.

Jessie ran down the hallways as quickly and as silently as she could. There were exits on every floor that led to an impossible amount of stairs. Once she left the building and made it far enough into the forest, she'd be free.

Jessie pushed the door opened and carefully let it close. She groaned as she looked down the flights of stairs. It was dark and she could barely see the bottom; why was she up in such a high floor again? She could only imagine how much her legs would hurt after all the running she'd have to do.

Jessie was only halfway through when she heard another exit door open and close, a little louder than hers did. It sounded close and Jessie froze. If she was quiet, maybe they wouldn't notice her.

The running footsteps got louder and closer, and once it was right above her she sprinted down, terrified as she tried to outrun the anonymous person. Not a few seconds after they ran into the back of her, causing the both of them to lose their balance on the stairs. Jessie had to clench her teeth together to keep herself from screaming as she tumbled down the rest of the flight.

"Ow..." A voice groaned next to her once they stopped falling. Even though it was dark, she didn't need to see to know who's voice it belonged to.


"Jessie?" He asked, before exclaiming louder, "JESS-"

In a panic, Jessie blindly lunged toward him and slapped a hand over his mouth. "Shh! Do you want me to get caught?!" She felt him shake his head. "Awesome, now what are you doing here? You're usually asleep hours before now."

When he didn't respond, probably due to the fact she still had her hand over his mouth, she moved her other arm and felt a strap around his shoulder. "Is this... a backpack?"

James pulled her arm off him so he could finally speak clearly. "Yep, I thought you'd know what one is since you're wearing one too, I think, but apparently not."

Jessie ignored the sarcasm as she tried to fit the pieces together. "You're not trying to leave, are you?"

She felt him tense for a moment before sighing. "Yeah. I am."

"What? Really?" Jessie asked excitedly.

James nodded. "I-I'm sorry, things have just been so rough lately and I didn't know if I was ever going to see you or Meowth again, so I didn't feel like continuing down this particular career path..." He explained with a whine, sounding as skeptical as Jessie felt.

"Me too," she found herself whispering before she even fully thought it.

"You too?" He repeated, sounding shocked. "Why?"

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