Chapter 14

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Not too far away, Ash had just finished a battle. A brief, disappointing, battle. The young trainer walked away friend the field with an irritated frown on his face.

"It's okay Ash, I'm sure you'll find a good opponent before Viridian," Misty assured as both she and Brock tried to comfort him. She gave his shoulder a quick pat.

"Yeah! At least you didn't lose?" Brock said, and Ash just shrugged.

"Yeah, at least." The boy sweat-dropped at the recent memory. "That pidgey was no match for Pikachu. I think I just fried someone's bird." Ash's expectations were a little too high for a festival, where a lot of new trainers were also trying to get a battle in. Pikachu let out an embarrassed squeak from the boy's feet, and Misty picked him up and pet his head to reassure him.

It was probably a sign that it was time to wrap it up for the day. Misty looked up at the dark sky just as Ash pulled out his rotom-phone to check the time. "My sisters will be wondering what I'm doing out so late. I don't know when this all ends but I don't think I wanna stay long enough to find out."

"Me neither. Let's go tell Jessie, James, and Meowth we're leaving," Ash decided. "They're probably ready to go back too-" he was cut off when Brock suddenly stopped walking and fixated his gaze on something- or someone. Ash and Misty looked too to see two Officer Jennys walking past a contest performance with a couple of growlithe at their heels.

"I'll be right back guys," Brock quickly said before crying out to them. "MY LADIES!" He ran through a crowd, shoving people out of the way to get to the two women.

Misty facepalmed at the scene. "I can't stand the secondhand embarrassment sometimes. It's depressing how we can't go a day without Brock doing this."

Ash shook his head and turned back around to continue walking. "And you'd think we'd be used to this by now." He looked back at the crowd and tapped Misty's shoulder. "On another note, Jessie and James are right there."

In the distance they caught sight of James pulling Jessie out of the audience Brock had just run through, and they moved to an area away from the rest of the crowd.

"What are they doing?" Ash asked before putting his hands around his mouth to yell out to them. Misty stopped him before he could.

"Wait a second Ash, I think they're doing something." They were too far away to hear, but close enough to see, so the two could only watch as he said something to her. It was a little boring in their opinion, but just when he got down and reached into his pocket, Brock decided to join Ash and Misty again, now looking downcast from his latest rejection.

"Shot down again," he muttered before catching the scene just as Jessie broke the silence with a laugh and tackled James in a hug that knocked both of them to the floor. Brock cried out. "WHAT?!" He fell to his hands and knees sobbing, a normal occurrence to Ash and Misty. "Life is unfaaair~!" The two 10-year-olds gaped at each other in surprise before loudly cheering out to them. Unexpectedly, some people behind them looked over to see what was the deal was and cheered with them, whether they knew what was going on or not.

The duo looked over at the small crowd they had unknowingly attracted and James lowered his head in embarrassment. He saw the twerps and gave them a little wave, letting them know they didn't mind them walking over.

"That was so sweet!" Misty gushed as Jessie and James picked themselves off the floor. Even though Meowth began to continue teasing James again, claiming to believe that he never thought James had the guts, both he and Wobbufett looked mildly surprised. Ash, Misty, and Brock were the only ones who knew beforehand after all.

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