Chapter 18

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The plan was to fly back to Kanto, meet the twerps at the airport along the sides of Viridian City, and be on their merry way to who knows where.

It seemed like the safest route, everyone got what they wanted, until they hit a little road bump. It turned out the twerps weren't there once Jessie and James got off their flight, which was strange because Ash, Misty, and Brock seemed to be pretty organized for a group of kids. It wasn't even a big deal, except for the fact Jessie and James were so close to the place they considered dangerous. They waited for a lot longer than they expected, and after calling them several times they just assumed the twerps had accidentally slept in. It was pretty early after all. So Jessie and James walked a little further into the city towards the Pokemon Center to find the twerps and finally leave the wretched place.

"If we knew the twerps were going to be late I would have considered staying another day in Alola," James joked as they cautiously made their way down the streets. "This is just downright disrespectful, I was having a great time."

Their hands brushed together and Jessie grabbed it to hold. She chuckled. "Exactly. We'll have to give them a piece of our mind once we see them."

They went on joking about the twerps being late and came up with little scenarios on what could have possibly happened without them being there, even if the twerps had survived way better on their own than Jessie, James, and Meowth had.

They quickly approached the horizon of the city, and from an outwards appearance it looked just like a regular old city. Their absolute refusal to go and their imaginary interpretations of it led them to think the opposite. It didn't look like they were about to get mugged by a Team Rocket grunt at any moment.

On the other hand, there was a little police station along the side of the road. It would have been a problem, maybe a bigger one than Team Rocket at the moment, but luckily Officer Jenny wasn't there. Both of them gradually stopped once they passed it and looked around.

"Do you remember flying our balloon up here? We flew it all the way to the Pokemon Center so we could break in." Jessie added with a bit of disgust, "I think that marked the beginning of our loser-streak."

James chuckled sadly and walked over to the board beside the station that had stacks of papers on it. It was littered with news, advertisements, and even a comic strip. Jessie watched as he pushed them aside to find a familiar paper underneath. He unpinned it from the board. It was old and kind of beat up from staying up for so long.

"A wanted poster, how flattering," Jessie said, hugging him from behind and looking over his shoulder.

"Flattering?" James asked with a hollow laugh. The memory almost hurt. "This picture makes me look terrible."

"Then you should be happy the photographer captured the real you."

"Exactly," James finished. He sighed. "I haven't seen one of these in a long time. I thought they'd be taken down by now."

Jessie took it from his hands and stared at it before ripping a line down the center. "That's probably because of our losing streak. To think we weren't always such a deadweight. Maybe it's a good thing, 'cause we can get around without getting recognized now." Jessie crumbled up the two before throwing her half in the trash. "I might keep yours. You look so mysterious. I kind of like it."

"Ohh no," James objected and took it back from her to throw it away with her own, making Jessie laugh this time. "Any picture but that."

The sound of a police siren in the far distance interrupted their conversation, which they took as a sign that it probably wasn't a good idea to hang around a place Officer Jenny practically lived at, so they moved along.

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