Chapter 27

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Just a few more minutes and then Celadon would be on the horizon. It was dark out again; past the trees they had a clear view of the stars in the sky, and as much as Jessie loved to watch them twinkle and flash and determine if one was actually an airplane, she couldn't find joy in them if the one she always stargazed with couldn't even look her in the eye.

James was walking several feet in front of her in between her and the twerps. Meowth was right beside him and kept on looking back, noticing the worsening tension and he didn't like it either. Despite his tendency to have a loudmouth, he kept quiet. This was something they had to sort out themselves.

Rubbing her cold arms, Jessie sighed heavily through her nose and looked at the forest around her. A bush rustled nearby as it had occasionally for the past 15 minutes, and a twig snapped in the same direction. She didn't think anything of it, nocturnal pokemon were nocturnal for a reason, but the same noises followed her as she walked and she quickly moved in closer to the gang to feel safer.

"The Pokemon Center should be one of the first things we pass once entering the city," Brock said as he finally shoved the map back into his bag. Everybody wanted nothing more than to finally get in an actual bed for once and sleep the night away.

At the comfort of the news, Jessie glanced at James, who noticed and looked away from her. It pained her to know that this was her fault. Well, technically it was his fault that she was going through this- which was also her fault too- but it was all on her that she kept it a secret from him and that their relationship faltered because of it. She had to fix it. She was going to tell him. She needed him and she couldn't hold it off any longer.

She closed the gap between them and put a hand on his arm, trying to look as open as possible. "We really need to talk." James' brow furrowed together and she felt herself begin to shake nervously.


Still eyeing him cautiously, she took off her bag and handed it to Brock. "Can you take this with you until we get to the Pokemon Center?" Brock silently nodded and took it from her. "Thanks, we shouldn't be too long." James handed his own bag to Ash and followed her.

The rest of them continued towards the Pokemon Center while Jessie and James took a different path along the main route. They both walked in silence at first, and Jessie flinched at another rustle in the woods. James, ever being the gentleman, pulled out his phone and turned on the flashlight to illuminate the path a little better.

"Thanks," Jessie muttered awkwardly and wished she hadn't said anything once she did. She felt like she had to bring everything up somehow, which seemed impossible, but it turned out she didn't need to. James was a step ahead of her.

"You... slapped me."

His voice sounded so sad, so hurt, and it didn't sound like James at all. A humorless smile pulled on his face, "It wouldn't be a big deal, you used to slap me all the time whenever I messed up a scheme in Team Rocket, but..." He paused as if trying to keep himself together, "...but this time you actually hated me."

Jessie's jaw dropped and she shook her head. "What? N-no, James! I don't! I'm sorry, please trust me! If I could go back in time and change everything I would!"

Jessie heard him take a shuddering breath. Despite her words he was still so uncomfortable. "How much would you change?"

That question puzzled her. She then realized he was on the verge of tears and he was biting his lip. "Huh? What do you mean?"

He stopped walking and looked away as he tried to find the right words. "You don't regret anything, do you? Running away, and everything that came after? I thought that things would get better after leaving Team Rocket, and they did! The first few months were amazing. I'd never felt so free, so close to you, but after Alola I feel like we aren't on the same page anymore. You're never not mad at me and I don't even know what I'm doing wrong!" He continued his rant before she could start to explain.

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