Chapter 26

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Nobody wanted to get to Celadon that night after the talk with Officer Jenny. As much as Jessie could tell how uneasy everyone felt now, she was sure she had them beat. They found another cabin further down the road from the last one to stay in until they felt safe enough to continue on.

How quickly would Team Rocket recognize them if they didn't have their typical uniforms on? Probably pretty quickly. There had to be something she could do to protect herself. If blue and red hair were the key to finding them from a distance, then she'd simply change her hair color when she was in public. Sticking close to Ash, Misty, and Brock seemed like a good way to throw off Team Rocket too; she doubted that Team Rocket would associate them with the twerps they used to follow around. If Giovanni questioned their intelligence, then she was really going to give him something to think about. Team Rocket specialized in capturing pokémon, not people.

Jessie found herself with a limited selection of disguise parts from both hers and James' bags. They may have lost a lot of their disguises when they started to travel with the twerps, but she could work with what she had. She was a master when it came to this, and together, she, James, and Meowth would nail this down so quickly they'd laugh about being concerned about this in the first place.

Jessie grabbed a handful of random pieces and tried to sort them out. There was a variety of clothing: skirts, pants, tropical shirts. As much as she felt safer wearing something else, they were already technically in disguise, so changing her wardrobe again was pointless.

How long would this little wave of problems even last? She hooked a thumb over the rim of her shorts and stretched it. If it lasted long enough, then none of her clothes would fix like she wanted them to, and that reminder alone was enough to drive her further into insanity. Jessie chucked a wig to the other side of the cabin in frustration, giving up on the idea for the time being as her mind refused to see any positive light in this.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw James sit down next to her. Meowth was right beside him and the twerps were still a couple of feet away playing with a deck of cards. He seemed to sense her anxiety and he rubbed her back to soothe her. She couldn't imagine how he was feeling, of course he must be worried too, but for all he knew the only reason Jessie was worried was because of Team Rocket. Not... anything else.

"I considered trying a disguise too," he said out of the blue with a hopeful smile. "They've worked well in the past. I'm sure we can fool them for a while."

"Yeah, I guess," Jessie muttered. "But you can never be too sure."

Meowth stepped over the small pile of clothes and picked up a shirt and laughed at it. "I t'ink I got it da easiest outta da 'tree of us! All I gotta do is be a normal meowth again and I'll be home free!" It was a joke to lighten up the room, and James smiled back despite it not being a good one. Jessie didn't find it as funny and she crossed her arms.

Meowth's grin dropped as he looked back and forth between Jessie and James. "Uh- I'm sure youse two will have it pretty easy too! I was just kiddin'!" He laughed uncomfortably when it didn't ease the tension. At that moment Wobbufett decided to pop out of his pokeball and called out his name, and suddenly Jessie was surrounded by her three boys who were all a little too optimistic for her.

James debated saying something as his hand slid up to rest on her shoulder. "If there's anything you want to talk about we're all right here. You seem like you're in you're own world."


"Whatever's bothering you I'm sure you'll feel better once you get it off your chest," James continued, feeling more and more like a bother to her. She shrugged his hand off her shoulder and Jessie just wished he'd let the subject go.

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