Chapter 30

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"'Dey fell somewhere over here!" Meowth yelled over the wind as Dragonite sped to the collapsed part of the stadium. It was all a mess. About a sixth of the place was completely demolished, and it was obvious that no Pokémon battles would take place here for quite some time. The ruckus had died down since it collapsed, each side running to safety for the time being until everything was clear. Or clear enough.

Ash nodded at Meowth's directions and pointed to the mound of rubble that was covering the clearing. "Dragonite, Hyper Beam! Get us through!"

Dragonite obeyed and made an entranceway, and they found themselves in a cave of rock and metal. Dragonite landed once they got inside and Meowth and Ash quickly hopped off.

"JESSIE! JAMES!" Meowth cried out, falling over himself as he felt himself begin to break down. They had to be okay. He had finally found them but now there might be a chance he might never see them again. Tears stung his eyes at the thought. If things were going to end this way then he should be with them. They promised to be a team 'till the end. "RESPOND 'TA ME! PLEASE!"

He tried to make his way around the maze of trash, an impossible task even with his night vision, but he lucked out when he heard Ash start calling his name. Meowth followed his voice and he found him lying in front of two unconscious bodies on the floor. Meowth ran over to them and the sight hit his heart like a train.

"They're alive," Ash reassured, which was music to Meowth's ears, "but we really need to get them to a hospital." Meowth silently nodded and Ash gave Dragonite some commands.

Dragonite picked up James in its arms, being as careful as possible, and Ash and Meowth balanced Jessie in front of them until they flew back with Misty and Brock. Misty gasped and covered her mouth with her hands when she saw the couple, and Brock looked pained as he hastily reached for his phone to call an ambulance. The three of them had an intense discussion as they waited, one that Meowth didn't have the emotional stability to listen to.

An ambulance met them at the scene and Jessie and James were moved onto a stretcher and lifted into the blaring vehicle. None of the twerps could go with them, but Meowth wasn't about to let them out of his sight again. Right before they closed the doors, Meowth jumped in and hid out of sight underneath one of the stretchers. If the twerps noticed, they didn't say anything, and Meowth silently thanked them for it. The siren resounded and they sped off.

Meowth couldn't tell what happened in the ambulance as they drove to the nearest hospital; he thought he heard Jessie mutter something but he wasn't sure with all the other noise. Once they stopped, Jessie and James were moved once again. Meowth tried to follow them, thankfully the doors were automatic and let him in, but he heard a bunch of exclaims as the hospital staff finally noticed him and a pair of hands managed to grab him.

"Hey, buddy, what are you doing in here?"

Meowth whipped his head towards the nurse that picked him up, and he opened his mouth to demand that he be set down before realizing that wasn't a very good idea. Neither was scratching her. He hissed. It did nothing. He remorsefully admitted to himself that either way he wouldn't be allowed in either of their rooms. He just had to fake it.

"Mrrow?" Meowth made a sad noise and pointed a paw down the hallway. The nurse shook her head at him and turned to walk out the door with him and Meowth desperately tried to wiggle out of her hold. He watched in despair as he was set outside and the doors closed on him.


The twerps had eventually found him outside the hospital, and after listening to his previous attempt to follow them, they all walked in to ask some questions but they were only given a select amount of information on the two of them. All they knew was that James had it pretty bad. He made it out with a concussion, broken ribs, and some sprains, but there was no news on Jessie. They could only wait now. They decided to camp nearby until they were told anything else.

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