Chapter 4

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The agents didn't come back. Either they gave up or decided looked somewhere else, but it didn't matter to the trio as long as they were gone. They woke up early the next morning and planned to continue their trek despite the poor amount of sleep they got.

Zipping the tent back open, the first thing they saw was Ash, Pikachu, and Brock sleeping around the now-extinguished fire.

"If we be really quiet, we can get out witout 'em noticin'," Meowth whispered, beginning to sneak around the sleeping trainers. Jessie and James nodded before following the cat, carefully avoiding the leaves and sticks on the ground that would give them away.

"Anxious to leave, huh?" Ash asked, causing the trio to freeze where they were.

"O-oh. Yeah it looks that way, doesn't it? Yep... we are." Jessie said awkwardly. She looked anywhere but at the boy and his pikachu, as if the current moment couldn't get any worse for them.

"We've stayed here longer than we should have," Jessie finished. James and Meowth nodded beside her in agreement.

Ash sat up in his sleeping bag and frowned in thought. On any other day he would've been more than happy to let Team Rocket go, but this time was different. His mind couldn't stop replaying the night before with the other two Team Rocket agents, and as much as he believed that Jessie and James knew what they were doing, their incompetent-ness made him slightly concerned with the chances of them getting away successfully.

When Brock and Misty started to tune into the situation, Team Rocket began to back away again.

"Sooo twerps," James started again hesitantly, "thanks for the slumber party, but we seriously have to get going-"

Ash interrupted him. "I think you guys should stay."

"W-what?" Meowth exclaimed. "Stay?! Wit you tree twoips?" Misty and Brock looked as shocked as the cat did.

Ash shrugged and nodded. "It's not safe for you all to run around alone when they're still looking for you."

"That's... awfully considerate..." Jessie said slowly, exchanging another glance with her teammates. "But I don't think that would work. I'm having trouble believing kids more than ten years younger than me could really do any anything to help here."

Ash waved off the insult. "You'd be surprised. Besides, you guys still don't have anywhere to stay right now, right?"

"We could probably find someplace. It's not like we haven't had to make some strange compromises before-"

Ash glared at her. "Those guys want to hurt you. How are you supposed to find someplace safe if you're being hunted down by both the police and your own team? They've got you covered in every area, and based on what I've seen you guys aren't good at this sort of thing. No offense."

Right when Misty was about to counter his argument, she reconsidered his words. "Ash does have a point..."

The area was silent for a moment before Brock, who had been silent the whole time, spoke up. "We're leaving to the next city today, so if you guys decide you want to come with us, you can." Without waiting for an answer, he began to pack his things and take their camp down. Ash and Misty followed.

"What do you think? Some extra security definitely sounds tempting..." James asked in a low voice to Jessie and Meowth.

Meowth looked back and forth between his teammates. "If youse two don't mind, I certainly don't."

The two boys looked over to Jessie for her answer, and eventually she sighed and faced the twerps again. "Okay. We'll go with you. I don't know for how long, but we will... Thanks for making this whole thing easier on us."

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