Chapter 7

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The world was fuzzy. She didn't know where she was, but Jessie could make out one important thing. James was standing agape in front of her as if he were reacting to something that she couldn't remember telling him.

"...-wait, what?" That was the only part she made out of his sentence. His voice was muffled and it sounded far away even though he was standing only a couple of feet from her.

A confusing pang of embarrassment suddenly made Jessie feel worse. She had no idea what was going on, but the only other thing she understood was James' tearful smile as he went on about something else that she couldn't make out before kissing her. Suddenly she didn't feel so bad anymore.

Then everything crumpled around her. She was now standing somewhere else: on the bleachers of a Pokemon League stadium. The floor was cracking beneath her feet and she heard Meowth's faint voice yelling for both her and James.

"GO! RUN!" James screamed at her before he was gone.

And then he was in her arms, battered and bruised.

"Can't we just stay in this moment a while longer?" He asked, looking strangely calm considering the situation they were in. "While the two I love the most are right in front of me?" He grabbed her hand, looking at her with an emotion she couldn't place, but before she could respond a loud ringing made her look away.

The alarm in their tent went off, and Jessie's eyes snapped open. She barely noticed James and Meowth waking up next to her.

What the heck was that? Her mind kept repeating that question. She had never had a dream like that before. Most surprisingly she could remember what it was about even after she woke up. Why did she have it anyways? She'd never gone through something like that before.

Jessie sighed and pushed the top of the sleeping bag off of her, still in a daze as her mind still attempted to process everything.

Perhaps she was still on end from the events of the past few weeks, or maybe it had something to do with Misty's implications in their conversation the other day. Either way, it didn't matter. Deciding that it was best to push it to the back of her mind, Jessie got out of her sleeping bag and started to get ready for the day.

"As great as it is to finally sleep under somet'ing, I wish we didn't have ta keep on switchin' between tents, cabins, and a Pokemon Centa," Meowth complained as he stretched.

Jessie was instantly pulled from her emotional conflicts as a retort came to her. "Well we could always kick you out every night so you could consistently sleep on the forest floor, what about that?"

"And leave youse two alone togetha when da moon is high in da sky? No t'anks."

Jessie and James tensed.

Not again...

"And since when was that a problem?" James asked.

Meowth zipped the tent up to get out and stopped to give them a grin. "Oh I don't know, but den again' what do I know? I'm just an innocent, normal, talking meowAAAAAH-"

Jessie punted him out the entrance before he could finish. She waited to make sure he got the message before turning back to take care of her things. "I don't understand him sometimes."

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