Chapter 8

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"Remember that promise I made? It still applies, I won't let you down."

It wasn't the most romantic of confessions, nor did it have the best timing, but as they ran hand in hand through the shower of a storm, they realized it didn't have to be. Everything was fine, and the long-awaited romance had finally begun to burn from the tiny spark that had teased them for so long.

By the time the pair got back, everyone else except Meowth had gone back inside from the rain. The cat perked up once he saw his partners emerging from the horizon and watched them with interest as they ran back under the shelter, laughing.

"Looks like t'ings went well," Meowth noted warily as he watched the pair continue to giggle. "Really well," he added with slight disgust when he noticed the red smudge around James' mouth. "Are youse friends again?"

Both Jessie and James missed the sarcasm in Meowth's voice.

"Oh yeah, definitely!"

"Best friends 'till the end!"

"Good. And wanna tell me what happened ta Jimmy's lips?" Meowth asked.

Jessie looked at James and let out a little noise. She wiped it off with her red jacket sleeve, much to both of their confusion. "Oh, nothing. We just found a couple of razz berries bushes during our time outside and decided to pick of few. You know how much of a messy eater James is."

Meowth feigned jealousy. "Oh, so you didn't get anyt'ing for Meowth, huh? Is it even razz berry season anyways?"

"It's always razz berry season," Jessie stated, which was definitely wrong.

James nodded with her and tried to look bad for him. "Yeah, we'll make sure to leave some for you next time. Sorry, Meowth."

"Alright..." Meowth studied them again. There was no use trying to get any useful info from the two. "You better get clean before youse two catch a cold."

Jessie clapped her hands together, "Right! We need to do that, thanks."

"Though we can't possibly catch a cold if we couldn't even catch Pika- uh..." James' elated mood dropped for only a moment as he took a glance inside, realizing that wasn't a good thing to mention when they were trying to build a good reputation with the twerps. "You know what I mean."

"Uh-huh..." Meowth nodded slowly with a suspicious look on his face when James' smile returned and the two walked inside. With a roll of his eyes, he followed them in. Whatever giggly secret they were hiding, they were really bad at it.

The sky cleared not too long after that. The sun was still high in the sky when they all walked back out of the cabin, so with only a couple of hours lost they could still make it to Pewter in a reasonable amount of time. After getting cleaned up and grabbing a quick bite to eat, they were back on the easy route to the city.

Buuut, when you're traveling with two pre-teens with a mouse, three ex-delinquents, and a teenager who had just lost a map that he had trouble working with anyways, things are never easy.

It just wasn't Brock's day when Pewter City finally came into view.

"Brock..." Misty started calmly, though you could tell she was about to snap. "This was supposed to be a one-day trip."

"It- it was one day-"

"It's NIGHT!" Misty yelled. Her voice echoed throughout the night air and scared away the nearby pidgies and zoobats.

"What's so bad about nighttime?" Meowth asked. "Besides da fact it's past youse kids' bedtime."

Misty groaned. "Number one, I'm tired. Number two, curfew is taken very seriously here in Kanto. And number three, because of number two, someone might wonder what we're doing up this late!"

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