Chapter 24

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There was a hidden tenseness that was between the group of five humans after the last contest, and excluding Meowth, all the other pokemon didn't understand what was going on. It didn't seem like a big deal, since it was mainly exchanged between looks once in a while. Pikachu was the only one who was worried about it at first.

Ash, Misty, and Brock went on as normal of course as they continued to train hard for the Kanto League that was only 5 weeks away, so they didn't have any time to waste on trying to figure out what was going on with the older couple in the group. Jessie didn't even talk about the contest, which meant James didn't either, which meant that even though Meowth knew more about the two of them than Pikachu did, the cat couldn't give him much information on it either. But it wasn't any of Pikachu's business, so he put it in the back of his mind.

It was a couple of nights after the last contest, where they were all sharing a cabin for the time being. Pikachu closed his eyes to fall asleep, but he hadn't been sleeping for an hour when something nearby woke him up. He opened his eyes to see Jessie leave and walk out into the forest.

His first assumption was that she was up to no good, but her Team Rocket days were long gone- at least that he knew of- but with James and Meowth still knocked out in a pile on the other side of the cabin he couldn't think of something she could do to sabotage them. He wiggled out of Ash's grasp, curiosity getting the best of him, and followed her into the forest.

The floor was littered with pine needles, sticks, and stone, but she managed to avoid them as she walked, which was somewhat impressive due to the fact she was barefoot. She walked in silence for a good couple of minutes until she reached a little river and sat down on a rock beside it. She took some deep breaths, trying to keep herself composed as she stared at the glimmering water. Pikachu flattened himself underneath a bush and tilted his head in confusion as he watched her. What was she doing out here all alone? She couldn't be here just to sit and stare at the river.

She finally crumbled and began to silently sob in her hands. Jessie? Crying? Pikachu moved closer to get a better look, but the rustle in the bushes alerted the devastated woman.

Jessie shot up from where she was sitting and grabbed one of the rocks from the river and held it behind her head. "Alright, who's there?!" She snarled at the forest, looking vicious but there was also a flicker of fear in her eyes.

Pikachu stayed hidden and Jessie threw the rock at a random bush. It hit a bush a couple of feet away from him and Pikachu watched with wide eyes as she picked up another. "I know you're there! If you come out now maybe I won't hurt you..."

Pikachu shook off his fear and ashamedly padded forward into the light. "Piikaa..."

Her face instantly changed and she dropped the rock, her eyebrows raising a little. "O-oh." She turned away a little, also feeling the tension from the years they were sided against each other. They hadn't been stuck alone since the beginning of this whole ordeal. "It's just you. Hey. I thought you would be one of the others... or a wild Pokémon..."

"Pikachu..." He flattened his ears against his head. Even if they had their differences he still felt bad for her after seeing her so upset. "Pi! Pi-kaa!" Pikachu gestured toward the direction of camp with his tail. "Chuu..."

Jessie got the message. "Oh, no, I um... I want to stay here, thanks. I was feeling a little queasy and needed some fresh air." She wrapped her arms around herself and flashed him a small, forced smile.

Pikachu narrowed his eyes at her. "Pikachu."

Once she learned he wasn't moving she sat back down onto the rock and wiped her eyes. "You don't believe me, do you? You're pretty smart for twerp's pokemon," Jessie said as she sadly watched the little stream of water run, and Pikachu didn't know whether to be offended by that or not. Either way, giving her the cold shoulder again wouldn't do either of them any good. Pikachu hopped onto the rock to stand beside her and nudged her leg. "Pika!"

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