Chapter 16

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"This is your last chance to back out of all this," Jessie breathed out as James' lips pulled away from hers. "Because I won't be taking either ring off my finger once I sign my name on that contract."

James didn't say anything for a moment, but the mood wasn't ruined and he smirked. "Just as long as you don't take on a southern accent and pull out a whip I'm fine."

"Mah sweet James, you can't escape me," Jessie mocked in the best impression she could muster. Before she could continue teasing him she cut herself off with an ugly sharp laugh as James viciously tickled her ribs.

"You're mean, you know that?" He asked amusedly as her laughter faded.

"And you wouldn't have me any other way."

"I wouldn't," he confirmed, pulling her into his arms. "No other way."

"... you will fight together like a Nidoking and Nidoqueen, join together like the two heads of a Doduo, and counterpart like Arcanine and Ninetails. This is a new part of your lives that will differentiate from the past parts, but also be similar in some ways but with a sense of purpose. Face all of your hardships and troubles together, for together you are strong, and without you are weak."

There they were, standing in front of a small handful of people in the midst of their wedding ceremony. They had a bit of an issue with staying serious, though. Trouble, Jessie mouthed the trigger word with a slight smirk as Oak continued to speak. James lightly shook his head at her; Arceus forbid if they break out into one of their mottos in their own wedding.

"... If there are any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace."

Jessie made a face at James once the room grew silent because it seemed like a ridiculous question since nobody had any objections before-


The smiles were wiped off the wedding couple's faces as everyone turned to Wobbufett. Meowth was red-faced and he slowly covered his eyes with his paws. "He said no... No objections..."

James chuckled and looked back to Jessie, who huffed and tried to ignore her beloved blue pokemon. Unfortunately, nobody thought to give Wobbufett a talk about decorum or what "speak now or forever hold your peace" means.

Everything went as planned at least from thereon. They kissed, people clapped, and while they ate Ash even made a little toast dedicated to a few humiliating moments of their past rivalry, which a lot of people joined in on. A lot of people had stories.

And it wasn't anything terribly fancy, unlike Jessie's dreams that wouldn't be exact unless they had a giant castle and a million of close friends and fans to cheer for her, but now that they were in a little schoolroom that was decorated nicely to look all clean, white, and glittery, it was enough. It was more than they could ask for after everything they had done, and they still had the most important part: enough time to make a dress for Jessie that was extravagant enough to outshine anyone else in the room.

Everything was perfect. Nothing could ruin this moment, this day, this week of just the two of them. Jessie looked and James and James looked back at Jessie and nothing else mattered.

Eventually, it came to the part of the night where everyone 15 and younger got a little too tired to keep their heads up. Misty and Brock were laughing at Ash who had fallen asleep on his plate, and even then the two kids sounded like they were easily laughing because they were too tired to take anything seriously. The three- including Meowth, still had a plane to catch to arrive back in Kanto the next day.

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