Chapter 25

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Jessie's legs were running as fast as her mind was as she tore through the route leading to Celadon. Too many thoughts were circling her head she couldn't even focus on one if she tried to.

It was already pretty cold outside and her jacket did little against it, and on top of that running in James' boots was a horrible idea. She tripped several times from the fact they were a few sizes bigger than her own shoes (making her also wonder how the heck he ran around in her heels) but she didn't want to slow down. It was the only way to make it there and back before someone woke up.

After stopping several times to catch her breath- this all would explain why any athletic activity was excruciating- she reached the city she would have to come back to in only a couple of days. Perhaps traveling alone was faster. From where she was she could see some apartments, restaurants, signs to the Celadon gym, and a diversity of stores. She crossed her fingers and walked into the closest one.

Thankfully barely anyone else was in the store that could see her in her horrendous state. The bright lights in the ceilings were almost blinding compared to the pitch black of the forest she had run through moments ago. With another groan of despair, she started to navigate her way through the aisles until she found what she was looking for. Sooner than she hoped, she found it and her eyes felt glued to it. She crouched down in front of the shelf and stared at it for a long minute before gingerly picking it up. She never thought she'd find herself in a position like this. If it was negative, she'd continue on as normal and try to figure out what was really wrong with her, and if it was positive? Well.. then that would change everything.

Pulling out a couple of bills from her wallet, Jessie got to the counter to pay. When she had earlier discovered that no one else was in the store, no one, including the cashier she really needed right now, was in sight. She didn't even hear anyone nearby but there was a bell on the counter. Jessie considered hitting it before she decided to go with an easier, less lawful option. She crumpled up the money, threw it over the other side of the counter, and ran back out of the store.

Starting another dash for the cabin, she passed by an angry woman in a uniform with red hair that almost matched hers, talking with someone hidden beside the store she was just in. She didn't pay any mind to it, whatever it was it wasn't her problem, so she didn't slow down for them.

It was almost four in the morning when Jessie got back into the cabin, and she wasn't sure if being back felt comforting or not. Thankfully Pikachu hadn't followed her this time; everyone was still sleeping soundly. She quietly tiptoed past all the sleeping bags and pokemon and closed herself into the bathroom. Jessie took a shaky breath, and pulled the pregnancy test out in front of her, considering waking up James to sit through it with her but she couldn't bring herself to.

Jessie paced the relatively small bathroom floor as she waited for her results. She wished it took an hour to take. She didn't look at it until she gathered up enough courage to, even when she knew that it was already done. It felt like forever until she finally decided to look back at it.

Of course it was.
Feeling too many different emotions at once, Jessie backed away from the sink, looking up from her tightly fisted hands as she cursed out a string of words. She bumped into the back wall, making a louder noise than she expected, and with a panicked look she watched the door for any audible signs that she woke someone up.

Breathe, breath~ Jessie whispered under her breath, beginning to pace again. This is fine, this is fine! This is toootally fine. Why am I even surprised anyways? There are worse things happening, like-

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