Chapter 15

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"Welcome to the Alola Region! Please remain seated until the plane has completely stopped to retrieve your luggage. We hope you have a wonderful stay!"

The trio was the last to get off the plane. As the twerps excitedly ran to get out of the airport, Jessie, James, and Meowth didn't rush to the main entrance. It felt just like it had the last time: an intense and nerving rush of adrenaline that led them to quietly and dutifully making their way down without a thought. It felt strange to travel for personal reasons instead of work. No more conquering, no more stealing.

Once they exited the airport they were all met with a warm ray of sun that they had to shield with their hands as their eyes adjusted to the light. Even in the impossibly big parking lot that was surrounded by palm trees and sand, the entire region felt like one big beach. It felt so familiar but unfamiliar at the same time, but there was only one place they called home in this region. Possibly in all the regions.

"It feels so good to be here again!" Ash ran forward to hold his hands out. "I'M BACK ALOLAA!"

Meowth snickered. "Somebody's excited."

"You don't say," James said with an amused smile. Ash didn't have much time to announce his presence when a quick press of a car horn got their attention. A red jeep drove up in front of them, and Professor Kukui stepped out to greet them. "Alola, guys!"

"Alola Professor Kukui! How are you all doing?"

"We're all doing fine. It's been a while since you last visited."

"Yeah, it's good to be back!" Ash said. "Thank you for answering my call and being so willing to help us out, too! I have my friends here with me. I want you to meet Jessie, James, and Meowth! Well, not meet... uh... you know what I mean." He laughed awkwardly and stepped away.

Kukui smiled at them and held out his hand, which was a surprise to the trio. "Yeah! It's nice to properly introduce myself. You three were quite the handful during your time in Alola."

"Y-yeah, sorry about that." James smiled nervously and shook his hand. It was hard to keep eye contact with him for long. This man could crush him in a heartbeat; he was half a head taller and he made James look like a twig. Kukui shook Jessie's hand right after and James wondered how she could keep her cool against someone so intimidating- an intimidating person they used to bother for days straight.

After a brief conversation that was hyped up by the twerps, they all piled up in Kukui's car and drove off to the Pokémon School. Ash was the first to get out and approach the entryway, but Pikachu jumped off his shoulder and made his way up first without them. "I'll meet you guys at the top!" Ash yelled before running after his pokemon, followed by Misty and Brock.

"Where are we going?" Jessie whispered once the trio had gotten out. James shrugged, being as unfamiliar with the school as she was, but to their luck Professor Kukui overheard.

"It looks like Ash didn't want to wait for you guys. Typical of him; he's always excited."

"Oh trust me, we know," Jessie muttered under her breath. She raised her voice to repeat her question. "Where are we going?"

"I'll lead you to the classroom. Everyone's up there already, so I figured it would be nice to let you all talk before they continued getting things ready. Congratulations, by the way," Kukui said before walking through the entrance Ash had run through only moments before. The trio all exchanged a look before walking in too.

It wasn't exactly a tour, but they got to see a lot as they made their way to the top room. It was a lot better than the countless hours they spent crouching in bushes outside to wait until the 'twerp and his pikachu' walked out.

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