Chapter 13

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"How does this one look?" Jessie asked as she stepped out of a changing room, wearing a dress that didn't look too different from the last 27 she had put on. Meowth was lying flat on the bench, disinterested, bedside a jittery James who was too spaced out for comment. Wobbufett was the only one who gave her the response she wanted. He clapped his nubby hands together and cried out his name in approval.

"I'm not da one wearing it," Meowth eventually said. "If you like it, you buy it. Nobody else cares." That comment had Jessie throw a clothing hanger at him. James failed to catch it before it hit Meowth.

"Wait, Jess... I think everyone is getting a little tired here. Why don't we take a break and do something else?"

Meowth sprung to a sitting position. "Yeah, we've spent most of dis festival bein' dragged around by you!" He smiled and faced his other teammates. "Why don't we go on a ride- like a rollercoaster or da Ferris wheel! Or we could get some more cotton candy-"

"We've already gone to get some twice already," Jessie started, "and I'm not getting on either of those things! They're dangerous?" James held up a finger to object that they, in fact, weren't exactly and that she was just over exaggerating, but Jessie didn't give him the chance. "Remember that time we were stuck on that island with the giant robotic pokemon? I'm not doing that again."

Meowth groaned and fell back onto the bench as James continued to look between them. On any other day he wouldn't care what Jessie wanted them all to do; they finally had some time to themselves without the twerps, but this time he had his own plans and it was hard to execute them when Jessie's mind was solely focused on shopping.

He looked out the window. It was gradually getting darker outside and the lights around the streets were beginning to turn on, and eventually they'd have to get back to the gym. If he didn't do something soon then all the prepping up for this day would have been for nothing. If the perfect moment didn't come for them then he'd have to make one himself.

"Alright, if you don't want to ride something we can at least go for a walk," James suggested as he stood up, picking up a couple of Jessie's shopping bags as he did. "We all need a break, and I feel like stretching my legs after sitting down for so long, don't you?"

Eventually, Jessie agreed. Meowth gave him a thankful look before dashing out the door and Wobbufett was the only one nice enough to pick up some of the bags too.

Things were beginning to close and the festival crowd was more organized in little groups around numerous activities. The trio caught sight of the twerps cheering in the audience of a Pokemon battle. Knowing them, they'd probably be stuck there until Ash was picked to go against someone, so the three of them would be preoccupied for a little while longer.

"Soo, what now? We're ditching shopping just to walk around? I hope you have some ideas," Jessie said. She still sounded irritated. In response to her question, James just shrugged his shoulders.

"Not really. I just got bored and I thought we all needed a little fresh air," he lied, but quickly learned it was a bad idea.

"Bored?" She asked, stopping and crossing her arms. "I thought you were glad to have a day to ourselves as a team!"

James looked from her to Meowth and Wobbufett; Meowth was the only one who seemed to agree with him, while both his girlfriend and Wobbuffet had equally offended looks on their faces from the implication. "No! That's not what I said, I- I- I didn't mean it like that. I take it back...?" He pleaded with a sheepish smile, to which she just rolled her eyes and continued walking.

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