Chapter 21

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Jessie woke up the next morning to an empty room. James and Meowth were gone and James' shoes and jacket were too. She noticed that her hair was down and her heels were by the door with her bag. Either she had been awake enough to clean up after herself the night before, or James decided to do a nice gesture for her. It was probably the latter, due to the fact that her makeup smudged onto the bedsheet. She simply flipped it over, surely it would get changed before the next person had the room.

She was in the middle of changing out of her dress when James opened the door. He smiled and closed the door behind him. "Hey, you're awake. Meowth and I went to chat with the twerps for a little bit."

"Really?" Jessie asked, looking at his feet for Meowth but apparently he hadn't come back with him. She looked at the clock on the nightstand to see it wasn't too late in the day. Maybe they predicted she wouldn't get up early and went to do something without her. "Where's Meowth?"

"Still with them." James rolled his eyes a little and chuckled. "Who would have thought he and Pikachu would be inseparable."

"No more inseparable than us," she said, walking over to stand against him so their noses almost touched. He lowered his head a little to peck her on the lips.

"Absolutely." They wrapped their arms around each other and James' face suddenly switched to a nervous smile. "I think we're staying here for another night, by the way." He pressed his lips together to hide any suspicion that she was the reason they decided to stick around. "The twerps are going out for a while and I figured you wanted to stay here."

Jessie frowned. "Hmm... how considerate of you. Well, have fun chasing a bunch of kids around the city."

"Oh, no, I was going to stay here with you." He gave her a sweet smile that would have ended her if her head allowed her to truly be in the moment. "We were due for some alone time, just the two of us."

She tilted her head and squinted her eyes a little, arms still wrapped around his neck. "Hm. There's not anything to do in a Pokemon Center, though. Not even a TV."

His hands slid down to her waist. "We'll figure something out," he assured her before smirking and tickling her stomach, getting an immediate laugh from her and they both fell eventually fell onto the floor beneath them. The pillows were eventually thrown back into the mix again- which counted as the second childish fight that included pillows that week. Turns out there were things you could do in a Pokemon Center without a TV.


There were other plans that were suggested that morning when James and Meowth went to the twerps' room. That afternoon they all went somewhere to eat together to "celebrate Jessie's second victory," but after the complicating events of the day it ended up to just be something to do for fun because they didn't know how Jessie would exactly feel about that. Sure, she loved the attention, but she didn't even say much about winning another contest. Jessie was unpredictable, so they thought this was the best option.

They walked through the doors of a restaurant in the middle of Misty gawking over Jessie's Ball Capsule.

"If only I could use one of these once in a while! The way it made everything sparkle when you sent Yanmega out, it was beautiful! Maybe I could find one that could match my water Pokémon!" Misty grinned as she handed the Ball Capsule back to Jessie.

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