Chapter 6

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It had been a few days until all the Pokémon were finally taken out of their pokeballs for the first time. Combining Ash's team, Misty and Brocks's pokemon, and Jessie and James' excluding Meowth, there were roughly 25 pokemon around the camp. It was... a lot.

Seeing everyone's pokémon all at once was almost overwhelming, especially since only a couple of months prior they were all fighting against each other. The two Pokémon groups kept a bit of space between them, which Ash was the only one oblivious to. He was too busy getting reading for the training for the day.

After pulling on socks and shoes, he crouched in front of his pokémon, who were just finishing eating.

"Alright everyone, after this we're going to train in the fields nearby, so ready up! We have a lot to do today!"

Pikachu perked up at the chance of finally getting away from the ex-Team Rocket trio. This was also another thing Ash was oblivious to.

"It looks like Pikachu's ready to go, Ash," Misty said, briefly glancing at the trio to see if they had picked up on the pokémon's impatience.

"Of course he is! He's excited for that 6th gym badge just like I am, aren'tcha buddy?" Ash asked, ruffling the fur on Pikachu's head. Pikachu's ears dropped.

"Pika-pii..." Not exactly, but close enough. Dragonite, Gengar, Lucario, Farfetch'd, and Dracovish grouped up behind Pikachu.

Brock gathered up his Pokémon too and walked over to Ash. "Alright, I guess we better get going now. The sun is already high over the horizon. If we go now we should have enough time to get some good training in."

Misty jogged over to them before Ash could agree. "Wait wait wait, what about Team Roc- I mean Jessie, James, and Meowth? They're going to be stuck in camp all morning with me. Won't they get bored?"

"Oh, that's right..." Ash muttered, frowning in thought as he watched the TRio joke around with their Pokémon. "Hey, guys?" Ash called out to get their attention. "You wanna train with us? I'm just getting ready for my gym battle; we're just gonna... y'know... exercise and practice battling techniques."

That almost got a laugh out of Jessie and James. It was an instant no for Meowth. Fighting against the twerp again? Especially with a moody Pikachu? No thank you, they've already had enough humiliation for a lifetime.

James chuckled nervously and waved his hand. "I think we're fine staying here, than-"

"Y'know, that sounds like a great idea!" Jessie interrupted, "You can hang out with the boys, and us girls can clean up around camp while you have fun!" If the twerps were offering, she would rather sacrifice her partner than herself. She pushed him off the log he was sitting on, ignoring the panicked look he gave her. 

"But, Jess, can't I stay here with you and Meo-"

"You need a break from us sometimes," Jessie argued with a grin on her face. James pouted.

"I don't want one though," he said in a quieter voice. Jessie pushed him forward, hiding the fact that that objection made her heart flutter.

"I'll see you later!"

There was no way James would win this. Holding back a frustrated groan, he turned to his Pokémon, who looked as scared as he did at the idea of risking another friendly Thunderbolt.

Joining the twerps meant less electrocutions, not MORE!

"Alright, guys... follow me," James sighed. Inkay's eyes widened and zoomed behind Gourgeist for a moment before following Carnivine, Yamask, Amoonguss, and Mime Jr out.

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