2-In which we name our heroine

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It looked as if she was flying, hair billowing out above her like a tiny parachute. The sun shone on her, making her look almost angelic, saintly even as she soared towards the ground. For just a second it was quiet as the gladers finally caught sight of her. Then all hell broke loose.

"Get something, do something," one boy screamed as he raced towards the wall, feet pounding dirty grass, kicking up mud. Another clamoured next to him, "Why's our runner jumped? What the hell is he doing?" The voices all seemed tiny to the girl as the wind whistled through her ears.

She knew she would most likely die, she knew that her brain should be showing her life, telling her how to escape. But there was nothing there, there was no memory, just these three letters BMM over and over again.

The people below her we're getting bigger, closer all too quickly, panic coursing through her as she fell further and further. Her screams filled the place, sending birds up high in the sky, echoing off every tiny crevice.

The people below were doing something, like a dance with their arms, making something. She was too far to see properly, and then all of a sudden she was all too close and she could see their faces, hear the words.

And then nothing. A thud, as she hit something soft, but also too hard, the exhale of a breath, a last moment of vision and then inexplicable darkness. Nothing.


There was a feeling of falling with no help. Of flying with no wings. She felt as though she were warm and happy, in heaven. Like she was safe from everything because there was simply nothing there to be afraid of.

But there was. The darkness in her semiconscious state was interrupted by those same three letters. BMM. Everywhere she could see, all the places she looked. No door, just those three letters as a way out.


There was something hovering over her and her first instinct was to push it back, to get rid of it, to run away. But she couldn't. Her arms were glued to her sides, her feet seemed stuck and even as her heart raced, her feet wouldn't.

"Hey," it sounded like she was underwater, the voice blurred into itself, making it deep and quiet.

"Stop moving." The voice said, clearer this time, making more sense. Her breaths came in deep, fast pants as she stopped trying to move.

The thing above her came into focus slowly, and she could see it was a face. His hair was unkempt and his eyes held this sort of warm glow that made her feel safe.

"Okay? You can't move right now yeah but d'ya want some food?" The girl nodded, then looked down.

Horror crossed her face as she took in all the bandages, the tape, the plasters. A croaky voice escaped her, "What happened?"

Her own voice grated against her throat making it hard to swallow. "You hurt your leg. And broke your arm. But you'll be okay soon."

She looked confused, a little disconcerted at how easily this boy pushed it off. The boy put a bowl of something cold on her arm, numbing it almost instantly so that she drew back slightly.

"Either this, or it's gonna hurt a hell of a lot," the boy warned raising his eyebrows cockily at her. Reluctantly she gave him back her arm, wincing as he put the ice back on. "I'm Newt by the way. It was one hell of a fall you had there. Don't suppose you could tell me your name?"

She shook her head, "I- don't know." He sat down gently on the bed, slowly pushing himself backwards. "That's okay. Just think, is there anything at all you can think of?"

Her eyes searched the room wildly, as if her name, her past would be in there. All she found where twigs and bottles of pills. Used syringes and a tiny flame.

Then suddenly, her mouth formed a tiny 'o' shape as she began to smile. It turned into a grin that almost hurt as she giggled euphorically.


"Well then Maddy, shall I go get you some food eh?"

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