34- The End

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Maddy had sat as a girl injected her arm. The liquid was purple and translucent and fused easily with her blood. Just one drop left behind. But that was the difference between remembering or not. Then the girl injected her other arm, this time with what looked like water. "You've got 30 minutes before it knocks you out," the girl said to Maddy, and then she stood up and left, leaving Maddy alone in front of a door.

Slowly she pushed it open and what she was, to her eyes, the most amazing thing she had ever seen. Though she had looked at the maze and the glade for months beforehand, she had never been inside it. And now here she was, running to get to Newt, running because she needed him even if she wouldn't remember it. She needed him to help her.

All too soon, her footsteps became weary and her mind muddled. Newt. The one word she could think of; Newt. But she knew it was too late, that she would pass out soon and forget. So Maddy went to Plan B. In only a matter of seconds she was at the ivy ladder, scrambling up it, terrified that the grievers would be there soon. She stayed there for the night and woke up the next morning.

That was when WICKED tried to kill her.  The grievers were meant to get her and she would die right there. She wasn't meant to be there. But she wanted to be there, despite all she knew about the place, she had to be with Newt. So the girl, her best friend, helped her. Because that's what anyone would do, right?

Only a few months after that, Maddy's parcel arrived from a  girl named Lucie. The bottle, the book and the ribbon. Two things she had asked Lucie to send her before she went and one she had not. One that Lucie did not want to send her. But WICKED did. The bottle contained not only vanilla extract, but also a carefully calculated poison of sorts. This poison would stop anyone from remembering who Maddy was. Unless they had particularly powerful memories, it would seem. Love, Anger, Happiness. These were the reasons that Newt was the only one to remember. Because he was truly and honestly, completely in love with her. But they wouldn't get their 'to be continued' for a long time.

Once Newt could hobble around again after what became known as 'the accident', he started the name wall. He was the first to carve his name in, and gradually the other gladers caught on, until it became tradition. If you look carefully, you can see where, in the corner, Newt has very carefully etched 'Maddy' into the wall.

If you weren't looking for it, you would never find it, and this is the way Newt liked it. He knew nobody else could remember her, so nobody else believes she was real, so he kept her to himself. His fantasy girl. Eventually, he played it down as part of the fall. He had banged his head and forgotten things, and he had been a bit off for a while after. That was all.

But it would bother him till the end of his days. His fantasy girl who was too good to be true. Sometimes he wild wonder if she really had been real. Sometimes he would swear he could feel her hands in his. But he never saw her again.

My name is Lucie. I am the girl who sent Maddy into the Glade. Maddy was not meant to remember. She was not meant to be there. She was the mistake that just kept coming back to haunt them.

I sent up her box. I knew what she was going to do befriend she did it and that is why they closed the doors. I kept them open for her, because that was what she had asked me to do. "If I am in there," she had said to me, "And I don't want to be in there anymore, do you promise that you will do everything that you can to help me?" And I had said yes.

So, yes, my name is Lucie. I have killed people who were my friends and I have hurt people I did not want to. But I have also written this book. And WICKED do not like that. They do not want word getting out about what they are doing to these children. So I am sending this out of here, in the hopes that one day, the world will stop WICKED.

Because they are sending me into the Glade. Because they know what I have done. And they know what will happen to me.

My name is Lucie and I am going to die. I have one last message for you: Flying is like falling, except with a more permanent destination.

A/N Rlly long A/N oops.
1. Thank you all so much for supporting me till the end. It genuinely means the world to me and I love you all more than I thought was possible to love someone I'd never met.
2. There will be a sequel called 'Answers' which will probably be up sometime this year. It will detail Lucie's time in the Glade and Newt's recovery. I don't know much else yet...
3. I would like to dedicate this book to irocklikerocks for being the loveliest kindest most amazing friend I could ever imagine. She has been the best person ever and I love her so much for it. Thank you Jenny! ☺️
4. Answers has now been started so go read it, I hope you'll enjoy it:)
-Katie xx

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