17-In which we recieve a gift

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The next day, Nick decided the gladers could slack off work. It was more for his sake than theirs, but he felt like he had been personally responsible for all three deaths. No matter how much Newt and Maddy tried to comfort him, he knew he had killed at least one of their friends. Friends.

Although they had been given the day off, Maddy found herself needing something to do to distract her from the deaths. Cooking was off the menu for that day as the gladers were just eating sandwiches and she couldn't leave the glade, so her eyes turned towards the middle of the glade.

Lying next to the box was the pile of supplies, untouched since the events of yesterday and so Maddy decided to starts sorting through them.

After about an hour, there were three piles, each growing progressively bigger. Food, Clothes and 'Other things'. Or at least that's what she called them when Newt asked what she was doing. He joined in, despite being a bit puzzled by the 'other things' pile. It made him laugh though.

With two of them, the time went much quicker and soon there were only a few items left. Together they placed them on the piles before reaching for the last box. It was relatively small compared to the others and looked like it was made out of cardboard, patched together with scraps, but well looked after, repaired time and time again. Written on the top of the box were 5 letters, in black biro but messy handwriting. Maddy.

Newt glanced up at Maddy and caught her eye,"You want to take this to the woods?" She nodded, and he could see the excitement building behind her eyes, but also the fear that it might be worse than anything Stan could have done to her. And that made Newt angry. "Come on." So they went into the woods.

They found their usual clearing, and sat against the logs, nestling into the crackling leaves. "Go on then," Newt was his usual happy self again, the anger subsided under his curiosity. Maddy took a deep breath and lifted the lid off the box.

It was a book, with a few other objects. A necklace, a rolled up note and a piece of fraying blue ribbon. She bit her lip before looking up at Newt. "Shall I?" He rolled his eyes at her, "Come on Mad girl, we haven't got all bloody day." She lifted the book out first, and turned it over so that the front cover was face up. A picture was glued to the front, though it was peeling and faded, of Maddy and another girl.

In the picture, they were both smiling in what seemed to be a dining hall. There were hundreds of other people behind them, mostly teenagers, but there were a few adults dotted in little clusters around the room. But everything was white. The clothes, the room, everything. Nevertheless, Maddy couldn't help but smile at the other girl in the photo. She looked young and happy, without a care in the world. And strangely enough, so did Maddy.

She handed the book to Newt and began to sort through the other things. The ribbon was long and satiny, the same colour as the blue on her shirt. She liked it, so she pulled her hair up and ties it into her ponytail. Then she put the necklace round her neck, the two charms on it clinking against each other. A star and the moon in silver. It was cold and refreshing, but also nice to feel a bit more girly.

Last she took out the note and unfurled it. This is what she and Newt read next:

Hi Maddy,
I'm your friend from before the glade. I'm still up here and I'm now going to be coming down. I wish I could see you in real life and not on screens. Remember, you'll be okay.

"Well what the bloody hell does that mean?" Newt asked. Maddy placed the note back into the box and reached for the book. "I don't know. We'll probably find out eventually," Maddy said. "It looks good though. Not a bomb or anything."

But little did they know, that although it wasn't explosive, it was a bomb of sorts. In time, it would have a massive effect on the glade.

Maddy opened the book and began to flick through. She stopped on the second to last page. There were two pictures side by side. In one, Stan was pressing a kiss to her cheek as she held the camera, but in the one next to it, she was kissing Newt's cheek as he grinned into the camera. Maddy had never seen him look happier than he was in that photo.

"Um, Newt," Maddy twisted to see him properly," what do you think of these pictures?" Newt took the book from her and glanced at the page as his mouth formed a perfect circle. Then he grinned at Maddy mischievously and shuffle closer to her. "I think this one," he pointed to the one of both of them," is really nice.

He didn't know if Maddy liked him as anything more than a friend, but he knew that he was starting to develop feelings for her so he acted on them. "How about we re-enact it now hmm?"

"You must be joking," Maddy laughed at him. He shook his head in return and tapped his cheek, teasing her. She sighed at him and laughed. "You're silly lizard boy. You know that?" Newt giggle in response and kept tapping his cheek. Maddy sighed and began to lean in. Just as she was about to peck his cheek, Newt turned his head to face her and caught her lips against his.

A/N lol thank you crazy much for 500+ reads this is actually ridiculous :) Sorry this chapter is v badly written, it will get better. Also EXCITING NEWS I might make a sequel or two... maybe. If you guys like this one I will. Please tell me? Thank you so much again. What is Newt and Maddy's ship name? Do y'all ship them? I might make a little baby romance happen...
-K *hugs you all*

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