28-In which we begin to unravel

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"No." Newts lips set in determination. "No. There is no way that I am going out there with you, and helping you do that. Sorry Madgirl, but there really is mad."

On the last words his voice began to break. Tears rolled down his cheeks like a waterfall off rocks. They kept on and on coming, each new wave crashing down on him, crushing him more and more. His head shook frantically from side to side as he chewed his lips. "No. I am not helping you die."

"Newt," she took hold of his head and stopped him from shaking, "Hey Newt. I already told you," and the tears started to flow down her face, "I'm not going to die. I'm going to get use out. Will you help me to get us out of this hell?"

Newt nodded. "But I won't let you risk your life doing it." He brushed his tears away and they landed quietly on the undergrowth. "If this really is the only way, then let me do it?"

Muddy drew back for a second, taking the time to observe Newt's face. Then she brought her hand up and slapped on the cheek. The sound echoed through the trees in their clearing. "Have you remembered anything Newt? No. Have you seen what they're doing to us, how they're doing it? No."

She paused and swallowed, wiping away her last tear. Maddy held her head up and said, so quietly it was almost a whisper, "I have to do this."

"And I will do it, whether you help me or not. I know where the ladder is. I know what to do. So I will get us out of here, if you help or not."

Newt listened for the grit, for the determination in her voice, and found none. "You don't want to do it." Maddy shook her head. "I need to do it."

Newt closed his eyes and breathed. That was all he could focus on. Breathing. In and out, in and out. But it hurt to breathe knowing he wouldn't be there for his best friend. And it would hurt more if she died without him. So, just to keep on breathing, he said yes.

"I'll do it." Maddy looked up at him, shocked. "I don't know why entirely, but I'll do it." Maddy engulfed him in a hug, silently sobbing into his neck. Her words became muffled, quiet and scared, until all he could hear, over and over was, "Sorry. Thank you. Sorry. Thank you."

Eventually, she released her grip and instead sat next to him. "Jesus Christ. I hate the creators."

"You and me both, but we're gonna get outta here, right? We're gonna do this."

And though his smile has halfhearted and weak, to Maddy, it was the only sunshine she's seen in weeks, and so she lapped it up as if it were the very essence of life.

Because beneath it all, she knew that what she was going to go one of two ways. And beneath it all, she was really hoping that wouldn't be the last smile from Newt that she saw.

And it wouldn't be.

A/N I'm finally back! Sorry it's been long but I've just had a pretty bad month. Three things:
1-There are only seven chapters left.
2-I'm going to finish this on August 2nd.
3-If y'all want me to, I could write a sequel. I'm also thinking of writing a not fanfiction story :/ Comment what you think pleasee.
Love you all so much :)
-Katie x

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