3-In which we have a pyjama problem

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A hazy warmth enveloped Maddy as she opened her eyes. Sunlight dappled the room and it was calm and clear. Slowly she began to push herself up off the mattress as it squealed in protest.

Suddenly her arms failed her as all the strength sapped out of her and she flopped back onto the mattress. Footsteps came down the corridor outside, but she was too tired to push herself up and see who's they were.

A mop of curly brown hair and a pair of friendly chocolate eyes peeked round the door-frame. "Is everything okay?" He smiled as he came into the room, and Maddy could now see his large grin and worn satchel. "I'm fine, I just need a minute or two." The boy smiled down at her, beaming.

"Okay. I'm Clint, by the way, so if you need anything, just ask," he seemed to have an air of ecstasy about him, as if everything was right, and nothing could go wrong. Maddy felt almost drawn into it. "Since you offered, could I have a hand up please?"

"Of course," Clint laughed and placed a hand on either arm as he begin to lift her into a sitting position. "Is that good?"

"Fantastic thank you," She smiled back up at him and then watched as he began to empty some of the contents of his bag into a small bowl. He poured a vial of something vile-looking and green, followed by a bottle of a clear liquid, and finally a few drops of something brown that looked mushy. "You have to eat this," Clint announced.

Maddy looked surprised, "What?"

"You've been having it everyday since you got here. Water and some mushed up plants, helps you get better."

Maddy hesitated, "Are you sure I have to?" Clint cocked his head to one side and chuckled a little, "Yep."

Gulping, she took the bowl and sniffed it. It didn't smell too bad, of earth and herbs. Taking a deep breath, she tipped the contents of the bowl down her throat and tried not to taste it.

"My work here is done," said Clint, beaming at her, "No doubt Newt'll be here soon to sort you out and whatnot." And with that he left the room.

Not even ten seconds later, a pair of feet could be heard pounding down the corridor towards the room and Maddy giggled to herself. Newt. He hurtled into the room without announcing himself and set to work immediately, talking almost too fast to understand.

"Okay Maddy, so we need to get you up because you've got a big day today and we need to tell you everything. Is it okay if I get you out of bed?"

Maddy nodded, baffled by the constant stream of words. She let him place his hands under her armpits as he pulled her out of bed, and he kept a firm grip on her arms as she stood up, swaying slightly like a new sapling in an autumn breeze. "Y'alright?" All she could do was smile.

Slowly, carefully, she took a few tentative steps. She kept her eyes trained on the floor, concentrating. Her head snapped up sharply and she looked at Newt.

"Newt, I'm wearing pyjamas," said Maddy. "Yes," Newt agreed, "Are you feeling alright?" She didn't answer him, instead choosing to move on with her next question. "I wasn't wearing these when I jumped, so who changed my clothes?" She sat back heavily on the bed.

Looking down Newt bit his lip and began to twiddle with his fingers. "Has Clint given you your medicine?" Maddy sighed, "Yes, who changed my clothes?"

Newt sucked on his lip before slowly saying, "Me. But I didn't see anything. Promise." Maddy was starting to breathe harder now, pushing down on the mattress till her knuckles turned white. "Maddy please don't-"

"Don't what? I've been here what? 3, 5 days? And it's okay because not only have I jumped off a massive great wall and been attacked by mutant spiders, but you've also changed my clothes whilst I was unconscious."

Newt sighed, "I know, I'm sorry. We didn't really know what to do so... I'm sorry."

Shaking her head, she released the tension in her arms and slouched back down. "No I'm sorry. It's all just a bit much really. It doesn't matter as long as you didn't do anything weird."

Newt smiled at her and took a seat next to her on the bed. "Hug?" She nodded and he wrapped his warm arms around her, drawing her into what felt like a big blanket. "Thank you."

He grinned sympathetically. "No problem. But I'm guessing you've got questions."

"Yes. Questions."

Questions // MazerunnerWhere stories live. Discover now