14-In which the dreams return

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That night the gladers slept early. Misery could eat them up if they let it and so they took respite in dreams, curling into their hammocks and closing their eyes so that they wouldn't have to face the maze. It was almost too much. Almost. So close.

Maddy lay in her hammock staring at the dark of her eyelids. Patterns danced before her, humming statics of electricity that drowned out the boys around her. It hurt. But it was the best that she could do. Or at that moment, hope for. Sleep came.

The patterns on her eyelids turned into shapes, changing colour and swirling around until they engulfed her. Ate her up. A boy stood in front of her, dressed in dark jeans and a white top. Dan. He moved towards her and held her hand in his. Tenderly, gently. His eyes met hers and he smiled, crinkling the corner of his eyes like forgotten sweet wrappers.

She began to open her mouth to smile back at him, but he placed his fingers tenderly on her lips. His eyes were full of happiness, not wrath or lust like his attempt to rape Maddy, but it was as if he could see no greater light than that which shine before him. In her memory Maddy looked down at her feet.

"Maddy?" Dan pulled her chin up to look at him, "I love you, you know that?" And the old Maddy nodded and grinned gently back at him. "And I love you too."

She had loved Dan. She had loved Dan. She had been with Dan. Now the world was changing around her. Which world was better? This maze or that one? Nothing made sense. Dan.

There he was again, coming across a room towards her. His fists were clenched and he held a key in one hand. Quickly, he stormed past Maddy and locked the door behind her. He turned to face her, but in his face was something entirely different and yet all too familiar. The anger. The lust. Again.

He was holding her, pinning her against the wall as she struggled and squirmed trying to escape, reach the key. "Stop moving," he roared in her ear. She cowered away into a corner, wrapping her arms round herself. They offered little protection. Dan was stronger, bigger, taller.

In the same gesture he had produced a knife from his trousers a few nights ago, he pulled out a gun. "Do what I say," Dan hissed between his teeth, "Or I will kill you." Maddy was shaking like a leaf in the wind, both in the dream and real life. It was too much, too close, too real. But she couldn't wake up.

Dan was on top of her now, gun still in hand. Slowly, he placed the gun down besides him. "I loved you Maddy," his words were daggers, "I loved you but you won't love me back." A line tear trickled down his cheek. "N-no," she was whimpering, "No Dan. I love you. I do. I really really d-do. But I don't want this. P-please Dan. Please." He just shook his head in answer.

"No. It's too late." And with that he picked up the gun and began undressing her. Nobody came. This time, there was no Newt to save her. He did it He left her, weeping, in the corner of the room. Several hours later, he was in the glade. He had no recollection of what he had done.

Eventually she picked herself up, redressed and went to bed. After the ready of the subjects had eaten dinner, a boy walked in and sat down in the other bed. Newt.

"Maddy? You awake?" She could only nod in reply as her body shook the bed. "What's wrong?" His eyes searched hers, "What happened?" And it all came tumbling out. They shared a bed that night, like the hammock in the glade.

Maddy knew Newt only had a month till he was sent into the glade, and so did Newt. Over that month, they formed a bond much stronger than that which Maddy and Dan had shared.

The night before Newt left, they kissed. It was slow and sweet and it meant much more than anything Dan had done. Bitter sweet. "I'll find a way to get you Newt." she sighed into the duvet. "You're never going into the maze though. You've got to stay here Maddy, watch us, make sure it's okay. Yeah?" She could only nod.

Her eyes snapped open and took in the glade. She wasn't meant to be here. She was a mistake. And it appeared that the past was back to haunt her.

A/N I'm so sorry. That was terrible. But thank you for still reading. Hopefully my writings getting better. You all literally make my days everyday. This make me so happy. Thank you do much. I know I say that every time but seriously. :)

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