8-In which we become friends with the gladers

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"Let's go back so that you can klunk yourself in the loo rather than your pants. Do you think you can stand up?" Maddy laughed.
Ben looked at her quizically. "Klunk?" She realised how much of the glader slang she'd picked up from a month in bed and smiled to herself. "Klunk is like a cuss word for poop. Shall we?" She asked gesturing to the way out of the forest. "We shall."
Half an hour later, the two stood in the glade being told off by Nick and Newt about how they shouldn't have stayed out there and what were they doing and oh my gosh Maddy you know the rules. To be fair though, she hadn't really been listening to Nicks tour, so had no idea what these rules are.

Ben cleared his throat before asking, "Sorry what are these sacred rules?"
"God he's just like Minho," Newt sighed and sat down heavily on the nearest log available. It made a hollow sound, then a cracking noise and to Newt's dismay, collapsed beneath him. Nick hurried over to him roaring with laughter and offered his hand to Newt. Newt took it gratefully but Nick let him go and he fell back onto the broken wood. Ben was on the floor crying with laughter and Maddy could hardly stand up. Newt didn't look to pleased.

"The rules greenie," Newt sneered, "are these. One, never hurt another glader. Two, do your part, and Three, Never ever leave the glade. Unless you're a runner. Or Maddy apparently, who appears to be a bit special."
"Why is Maddy special?" Nick queried, "and also for your information, klunk, my name is Ben." This time Maddy really couldn't help herself and fell to the floor laughing. "What's so funny?" Ben dismayed as Nick slapped him on the back. "That my friend, was the worst use of the word klunk I have ever heard."
Ben sulked and flopped down on a slightly more secure log than Newt had. "Anyway," Newt said, "Maddy here is special because, a) she woke up in the maze, b) she survived jumping off the walls and c) she's the only one who can remember anything other than their name."
Ben looked alarmed suddenly, "What can you remember Maddy?" His voice was that which you might use to chide a child.

"Three letters. BMM. Three faces. Me, you and another boy. Ben, Maddy and who?"

She sank onto the muddy grass when she heard a voice calling her to the kitchen. Sighing, Maddy stood up and began to wander over. She didn't hear the boys laughing behind her at the mud on her bum. "It wasn't me that klunked my pants," Ben giggled to Nick. "A much better use of the word klunk." Newt applauded as he too wandered off to the kitchens. "Hungry?"

A/N Thank you again. I literally had the best week because of you guys so here's some pizza *hands out pizza* Sorry for a) this sort of being a filler chapter.
b) if the boys are not portrayed very well. I haven't read the books in a while and I'm also not very good at writing boys bc I've gone to all girls schools since 5eva.
Love you all so much (that sounds rlly cheesy)

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