6-In which we take the tour and find a job

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A boy rushed into maddys room and started trying to wake her. "Maddy. Hey Maddy," his voice got more urgent. "You need to wake up." Slowly her eyes fluttered open and her eyes focused. "Who are you?" The girl grunted lazily. "I'm Nick and you need to wake up now yeah, because you can finally come outside! You can see everyone and everything and I'm sorry. I get very excitable. I'm new to being in charge."
Slowly, she rolled out of bed. "I'll be outside," Nick called back as he left the building.

"BMM," Maddy mumbled quietly to herself. "BMM," over and over as she got dressed. Running her dirty fingers through the greasy nest of hair on her head, she walked outside.

It was bright. And green. Very green. She stood in amazement for a few second, getting her bearings. 3 main buildings. A big one with lots of hammocks nearby, a smaller one where a couple of teens were laughing, and the one she had just come out of. It was smallish, with only one storey, but it looked stable enough. Sort of.

Nick turned from talking to someone and chuckled at her. "Welcome to the Glade Maddy," he smiled ,"Want to look around?" The girl nodded enthusiastically and fell into step next to Nick.

But soon the so called 'tour' got boring and her mind drifted to other places. She began whispering again. "BMM, BMM, BMM." What did it mean? A code word, a numeral, was B like plan B? But nobody planned as far ahead as plan M did they? And there wouldn't be two? Right? Them what did it mean. A code for a date, notes in a song? No. They didn't go down to M. Why was the M so problematic? Was it maybe short for something? An initial? An initial.

She was snapped into reality when she heard the word runner. Of course, she had to do work here. "Sorry, sorry. Rewind a bit please." Maddy grinned sheepishly at Nick.

He obliged. "Okay, there are 9 jobs so far. Number 1, Builders. As you can probably guess, they build stuff. 4 buildings so far, Bloodhouse, Homestead, Kitchen and the Hospital. Then you've got the Bricknicks who repair buildings, the Sloppers, for people who are no good at anything else, the Cooks, who, surprise surprise, cook! The track hoes who are basically farmers, med jacks like Clint and sometimes Newt who are doctors of sorts, Slicers who get the meat and finally the runners. They run the maze to try and get out. Like your Newt."
" He's not 'my' Newt, that's ridiculous."
Nick just smiled. "So you've seen everything, which job do you like the look of?"
"Not builders, but maybe Track Hoes or Cooks. They sound alright." She slipped back into her thoughts again.
"Are you alright Maddy? What's bothering you?"
"I'm fine. It's just..."
Nick urged her to go on.
"It's just last night, I had like a dream. I could see these 3 faces, and letters. BMM. The middle face was mine, and the other two were boys, but nobody here. I think BMM stands for something but what?"
"Maddy?" Nick sounded hesitant. "Yes," she sighed as Maddy rested her face in her hands. "One of the Ms couldn't be Maddy?"
She sat bolt upright. "Yes. YES. Oh thank god yes!"

At that point Nick said, "hey, as it's special circumstances and all that, why don't you pick you're own job?"

"Cook." Maddy smiled. At least it was easy. And the other looked friendly enough. "Coo-"

A sharp screeching pierced the air and she bolted upright. Nick started running towards something metal in the ground so she followed. Eventually the screeches left, but the air still trembled with anticipation. Finally, the box opened, and a boy stared up. "Maddy," he rasped. Then he lunged at her.

A/N I'm so sorry if this or any of the previous chapters have been terrible. I have had literally no sleep and I don't know why. Fun. Well who could this new boy be? Hope you're enjoying it and will keep reading. As always, all rights go to James Dashner. Sorry about any spelling or other mistakes. Love you all.
- K

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