20-In which the dark may bring respite

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For once, it wasn't Maddy who had a bad night when Newt got back. Newt spent several hours in his hammock tossing and turning, before falling into a fitful sleep. And this time the dreams affected him.

Falling. He was falling down, down into the maze, into hell. He closed his eyes as he fell, the wind whipping around him, beating at his face, his eyes, his chest, violent and strong. He fell into the box and opened his eyes slowly. Standing above him stood his friends, smiling at him. Not friendly smiles, hungry smiles. And there was one vital difference.

All their eyes were replaced with one red sphere and one black sphere. Newt screamed, but stopped when someone jumped down into the box with him. Maddy. But also not Maddy.

Her eyes held no focus and seemed to rolling in her head with no sense of direction. Her hair was tufty, bald in places and puss oozed out of sores on her face, dripping onto her shoulders, and then his feet under them. Newt ran.

He ran and ran into the maze, tripping over his feet, falling several times until he stopped. A red 7 glowed on the dark maze wall, and drops of paint plopped onto the floor from time to time. Newts head snapped to the side. There stood the blades, tall and foreboding against the dark night sky, with just one little hollow of moonlight. Newt walked towards it.

The blades began to click, echoing off the walls. Then suddenly they began turning one after the other in quick succession until Newt couldn't keep track of which had or hadn't moved. He began to jog backwards, then sprinted full pelt until he was out of the blades. They continued to turn, slower now they had no prey.

Newt looked down at his chest. It hurt. Not from running. Even in his dream he knew it wasn't from running.

He pulled up his shirt and took another look. It was fine. He poked it. It was not fine. The flesh began to liquify, slithering onto the floor as Newt screamed in agony. Finally, as the pain subsided, Newt took another glance down at his chest. He screamed louder.

There, on full view, sat his heart, bright red against the darkness behind it. It beat slowly, irregularly, Newt saw, and he gasped as it began to stop beating. Boom. Boom. Boom. It stopped. Panic overtook. "No no no no no no," Newt started howling, "Stop help no."

But his heart slowly flopped forward, heaving out of his chest, and despite Newts effort to claw it back in, it landed with a quiet thud on the floor. A heart in section 7. Newt howled, pain coursing through his vein, his body as he knelt and wept for his lost heart. Then an answering howl joined him.

Newts eyes whipped up. Standing just 100 metres from where he sat was another monster, a horror. It had no skin, just muscle, which was scarlet and glared through the night. It was blinking its eyes at Newt, then at his heart on the ground. It's fists clenched as it ambled forward and much to Newts horror, knelt in front of him.

It reached down its hand and wrapped it around the heart on the floor. Newts eyes widened. As he reached to grab his heart from the monster, it growled, and he withdrew, helpless but to watch as the monster thrust the boys heart into its own chest.

As it did so, a light flickered in its eyes and a deadly glint glanced across them. Newt fled.

The night was filled with cries. One from the blood warrior. One from Newt. One from the Glade. One from inside the maze. He ran and ran, trying to cover the hole in his chest as blood poured out, slapping onto the ground, marking his path. He could hear footsteps, but not just his. One pair from behind. The muscle monster. One pair from in front. A glader.

Newt stopped. He was at a crossroad. The road in front led to a glader, primed to kill him. The road behind led to the blood warrior, also ready to defeat him. So he started to sprint into the path on the left.

Only a few seconds later, metal scraped against the stone up ahead him. Griever. He twisted sharply and began to sprint back towards the crossroad.

Griever. Glader. Monster. Newt.

All three terror surrounded him, but none attacked. Newt wept and wept, crying for wakefulness. For the glader was Maddy. Maddy wanted to kill him.

Then a voice sounded from the sky, hardly heard over Newts sobbing. "Which will be the final push then Newt? Which will finally kill you? A griever, the maze or a friend?"

Newt looked up at the sky. "Were never getting out are we?" He screamed, his throat hoarse and lungs heaving, "We're stuck here for bloody ever."

The voice did not reply.

Newt took in his options. It was only a dream. Only a dream. And so he took a deep breath and stood up, blood still pouring through his shirt. And began to move. As he stepped towards his death, he laughed, because this was the end. Maybe it was for the best. They weren't getting out. And so he left a trail of blood behind him.

A trail of blood that led to Maddy.

A/N Hiii sorry that took forever to update but stress and stuff. Hope you liked it :) As always thank you so so much for reading, I love you all so much and I promise that I will update more regularly after exams. Also I changed my username so don't be surprised when it says by someone else... Thanks again.

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