12-In which Maddy meets a monster

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Maddy lay awake in her hammock, studying the stars. The sky. Ruffling her hair, a breeze tickled her face and she turned towards the bed next to her. Newt.

He lay peacefully, chest rising up and down rhythmically, over and over. The darkness obscured his face, hiding half. On the other half of his face the stars had sprinkled light on his cheek and warmth on his nose. Tousled, his hair lay in a heap, tangled and clumsy, looking like it wanted a way to escape. He looked infinite. He looked immortal.

Maddy gazed back up at the moon. She still wasn't sure if it was real or not. It looked too perfect. Like a face protecting them from harm. Or causing it. Who knew in that place? The stars might as well be tiny pricks of paint and the sky a navy canvas and it wouldn't make any difference. The light would still hit the ground the same way and tomorrow would still be the same day.

A twig snapped.

Jerking upright, Maddy's head flicked from side to side nervously. A boy appeared. She didn't know his name. He wasn't a friend. That wasn't why he was talking to her. "Maddy," he rasped, leering forwards towards her. He took a few steps closer. "I must say," he smirked menacingly, "that when your top got wet you were quite a sight. Hair all over the place, see through top. Surprised nobody got to you first." He sniggered at his own joke. Maddy couldn't move. He began to creep forward slowly, predator like. She scrambled backwards, nails snagging on the coarse hammock fabric. Falling, she squeaked out in surprise before hitting the hard soil.

"Ah yes," the boy grinned. "On the floor. Just the way I like it." Maddy couldn't move. His hands covered hers and his legs were pinning her down. He pressed his lips against hers. She screamed against him and he pulled back. "Moaning already?" He chuckled. "You must really want me." He went to move back on too of Maddy. She hit him. Hard.

"Oh no you don't you little bitch." His voice got louder and louder until he was screaming in her ear. Newt's hammock stirred but the boy on top of her didn't seem to realise. Instead he whispered in her ear ," you know you want me really." Pushing Maddy to the ground, he tried to lift her top up. She hit his hand off.

He tried again. This time it worked. She couldn't move with his dead weight on top of her. There was nothing she could do as he groped her through her bra, or when he snapped her bra off. Her hands were secured under his knees and her legs under his body.

He started to drag her, topless, to the deadheads. "Wouldn't want them to hear you moaning would we darlin?" He sneered in her ear. She was trying to pull away. Trying to stop it. He was too strong. She opened her mouth to scream. Instead, the noise was muffled by this boy, this violator, stuffing his hurt in her mouth as a gag. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder.

As loud as she could, she tried to scream. She tried and tried and tried. And it worked. Newt sat up out if his hammock and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Immediately, he saw Maddy's shirt by the ground next to him, and signs of a struggle. Turning, he saw the cause of the noise. Maddy was beating the back of this boys back as he carried her towards the deadheads.

Newt ran towards them like all the grievers in the world were chasing him. Maddy reached out to him just as her kidnapper reached the edge of the forest. Too far. Newt kept running.

Her capturer lay Maddy down in the forest and took his pants off. He pulled a knife from the pile of clothes and places it beneath her throat. "Strip," he ordered. She started to, shaking, quivering like a leaf in a tornado. A twig snapped.

"Get behind that tree," the boy snapped at her. She did, thankful for the small relief. A second later, Newt arrived in the clearing.

The pile of clothes lay in front of him. Maddy's trousers and the boys pants. All the evidence Newt needed. "Where is she?" Newt threatened the other boy, a dangerous look in his dark eyes. "What have you done to Maddy?" His anger increased rapidly and he marched to the criminal. "Calm down Newty. If you wanted to share my prize you should have just asked."

Maddy peered round the tree she was hidden behind. Newt saw her. He stared up at the taller boy, "Maddy is not just a prize to have sex with. You will not touch my best friend. She is worth far more than you can ever hope to be," he growled through gritted teeth before racing over to Maddy and giving her a massive hug. For about two seconds when he realised that she had nothing on but knickers.

"Did he hurt you?" He asked. She shook her head, going to retrieve her trousers. "Are you okay?" She nodded once her trousers were on. The other boy had already got his clothes back on and run to his hammock, hoping it would be forgotten.

Maddy turned back to Newt, trying to cover her modesty, and started crying. She wouldn't let herself cry when he was trying to rape her. Weakness was not an option. Newt stumbled towards her in his awkwardness and went to hug her but stopped halfway. Maddy smiled at his naïveté. "You've already seen me in a bra and knickers. It's fine." So he hugged her, him fully dressed, her topless, in the dark forest. Nothing more.

They walked back together, Maddy wearing Newts shirt and Newt holding Maddy's hand protectively. They both slept in his hammock that night. Sweetly and innocently, for neither of them were like that. But Newt had to admit that as he watched her fall asleep in his arms, he had sort of liked that hug in the forest. In a completely different way to her attempted raper. But he realised, as he fell asleep, that he was sort of falling in love.

A/N I'm so sorry that was so long. Sorry I haven't updated in forever. Lots and lots of sorrys. Also thank yous. Also questions. Do you think the cover (which is this chapters picture) is good? You like? What am I doing wrong? Please tell me. At the start I was getting 15+ reads a chapter and now it is 1 or 2. I love you guys but please help me out here. Thanks again. I update more soon.

Ps I'm not sure I like this chapter help :/

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