21-In which we wake up

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His eyes flicked open as he gasped for air. His chest heaved up and down. "Its just a dream. It's just a dream." But he knew that it meant something. Everything meant something here in the glade. Didn't it?

In the hammock next to Newt, Maddy lay stirring in her sleep. She looked peaceful, calm. But Newt didn't remember her looking peaceful and calm. He remembered a girl with blank red eyes and a rotten face. His best friend. He remembered a mad demon trying to kill him. His best friend.

He took a deep breath, closed his eyes for a second, and then shook Maddy awake.

As she blinked her eyes open sleepily, Newt let out a breath he hadn't realised he was holding. Her eyes were normal, brown and focused, taking in the morning light. He smiled to himself and sat back in his hammock. Maddy grunted.

"What did you wake me up for?" She asked him, taking in his small smile and relaxed posture. "To make sure you weren't going to kill me," Newt replied.

Maddy raised her eyebrows but didn't say anything, instead getting up and heading for the kitchen. Walking past Newt, she took another quick glance at her "You sure you're alright?" Newt just nodded in response, before following her to the kitchen.

Later that morning, Newt began to realise what his dream might mean. At first it sounded stupid. Dreams don't mean anything. They're not real. And yet Newt couldn't get it out of his head that Maddy's dreams had meant something. They had been real. They were true.

Newt knew that there weren't really blood monsters in the maze. Probably. But he definitely knew that his heart was not going to fall out of his chest. He also knew that Maddy's eyes were brown and gold, not red and black. It was fine, the dream was stupid.

And as much as Newt thought this through the day, he couldn't help but wonder if it might mean something. His train of thought that day lead off in all sorts of strange directions, into corners of his mind that he never knew he had and forgotten memories, only of the glade, that were seemingly meaningless, but at the same time all too meaningful.

So as he worked alongside Maddy he struck up a conversation. Albeit one that shocked Maddy.

"Hey Madgirl," Newt hesitated, "Do you think that." He stopped again and pursed his lips. She tilted her head and frowned a little, urging him to carry on. "Do you think that were ever going to get out of here?"

Maddy breathed out a sigh of relief, expecting something much worse. "Of course. We've only been here a few months. Not too long right?"

"I guess," Newt nodded, but Maddy could hear the uncertainty in his voice. She rolled her eyes and smiled as a mother would to their child who's just made a silly mistake. "We will," She reassured.

And so the conversation continued right up until Maddy left to prepare dinner. In her absence Newt felt his despair even more. The dream had meant something. He was sure now. But what? Newt couldn't think properly and left for bed early.

As he lay listening to the other gladers chat over dinner, he couldn't sleep for fear the dream might return. And as he lay there, perfectly still, he could have sworn he heard a voice. It was only a whisper like the wind in leaves, and maybe that was all it was, but it formed a single word in Newts mind.


And in that moment Newt knew that the dream meant something.

A/N Sorry it's been so longg, I've been rlly busy. Promise in two weeks the updates will be more regular :) Thanks so much and as always please comment etc. I want to call people that read this madgirls... Idk

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