7-In which we meet the greenie

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A/N Thank you so much if you are still reading. I'm going to go back and edit it all once I've finished this story. I know what's going to happen yay :) THANK YOU on with the story

She ran. She ran and ran and ran. How? How could he remember her but she could remember 3 letters? She was terrified. What if he killed her? Or if she couldn't save herself? So she ran. Through the forest and a graveyard and on and on and on until she couldn't run anymore.

Footsteps approached behind her.
"What do you want? Why do you know my name? Who are you?" Maddy heaved, not looking at the new boy. She almost laughed as she realised how stupid and cliché it sounded. "Are you going to kill me?" She could almost hear the small grin when he spoke.

"No." Maddy heard him sit down but she didn't have the energy to turn around. Instead she flopped down onto the forest floor and sighed. "Good. Now answer the other questions."

The greenie obliged as Maddy stared at the sky. No clouds. Always warm. Like they were in a cocoon, seperated from danger. Or not so it seemed. "I want to talk to you. I remember you but not me. I know your name and not mine. I'm scared. I need a friend or else I'm most likely going to shit myself." She laughed. Despite the whole chase thing, he already seemed like a friend.

Maddy kept staring at the sky as the boy continued to heave in air and mutter to himself. It didn't look natural. It was too... round? Blue? She didn't know. No clouds and no breeze just seemed a bit... Maddy didn't know. Abnormal. Like it wasn't real. Real or not real? (You're welcome)
Oh well. She had more pressing problems at the moment. Like this boy.
"So you lunged at me and chased me for about an hour, because you remembered me."
"If you could remember just one thing in the world, not even your own name. Just one person, what would you do?"
Maddy hesitated, "Chase them."

"Exactly." Maddy went to get up from the floor and in doing so, accidentally stood on the boys hand. He jerked suddenly, and his head hit a log. Hard. She gasped and immediately went to help, seeing his face properly for the first time. His eyes were closed and she could already feel a small bump on the back of his head. Was it a tradition that every new kid got hurt? She checked his pulse. Knocked out, but still breathing.

Maddy took a step back to take a good look at his face. It was familiar, like someone that you had spent lots of time with years ago, and then forgotten all about. Where was he from? His hair was browny blonde and tufty, and even now when he was lying on the floor, he looked hunched over, as if he was trying to make himself unnoticed. Smaller. Smallest.

The boys eyes fluttered open and he sat up sharply. "Ben." He grinned widely. "Ben! My name is Ben."

Maddy gasped audibly and the Ben looked curiously at her.

"BMM. Ben, Maddy, Who?"

A/N I just wanted to clear up that this is not a love story thing because I'm terrible at that. Also sorry if updates are slow/irregular. Thank you so so so so much. Feel free to message me and that and as always, comments appreciated. Thank you again. (Sorry I go on too much)

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